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引用本文:杨艳梅,王泽根. 移动地图理论基础研究[J]. 四川测绘, 2007, 30(4): 159-163
作者姓名:杨艳梅  王泽根
作者单位:西南石油大学建筑工程学院 四川成都610500
摘    要:移动地图主要指可以随用户移动的电子地图。本文首先从广义和狭义两方面介绍了移动地图的定义,认为移动地图具有易读、实时和交互性等特点。移动环境下,地图信息在制图者与用图者之间的传输是双向且不断循环的,体现了空间信息加工者和使用者之间的交互,这种交互有利于空间信息加工者和使用者对空间信息的认知达成一致,提高地图信息传输的效率,同时也反映了空间信息由静态的地图表现,发展到动态信息服务的演化过程。在空间信息传输过程中,用户一方面接收信息加工者发送的空间信息,另一方面接收客观环境刺激、并对获得的信息进行选择、分类等加工方式获得客观环境的空间信息,并综合分析和比较这两种空间信息,获得对客观世界的认识。在此过程中,需要在大脑中对地理信息空间进行旋转,该旋转时间的长短与现实生活中实际旋转一个物体所费时间的长短相应,旋转角度越大,则历时越长。人们的习惯用语中的空间术语不仅影响人们对空间关系的知觉和记忆,还会影响人们对空间关系的推理,因为不同的空间参考框架有不同的逻辑特征。最后总结了开展移动地图理论基础研究的重要意义。

关 键 词:移动地图  信息传输  空间认知  心里旋转

YANG Yan-mei,WANG Ze-gen. RESEARCH ON THEORY BASIC OF MOBILE MAP[J]. Surveying and Mapping of Sichuan, 2007, 30(4): 159-163
Authors:YANG Yan-mei  WANG Ze-gen
Abstract:The mobile map is a new apply mode of the electronically map. This paper indicated the removable electronically map went with user. Firstly,this paper introduced the definition of the mobile map from the broad sense and narrow sense. It's character includes legibility,Real-time and alternation. Secondly,This paper discussed the theory basic form the information transmission,spatial cognition,mental rotation of the mobile map and the influence of custom terms on the spatial cognition. In a removable circumstance,map information is bidirectional transmission between the cartographer and user of map,and it is rotative ceaselessly. This process is an information alternation between the cartographer and user of map. This alternation is propitious to achieve accordant spatial cognition between the cartographer and user of map,and improve efficiency of transmission of the map information. This process is a reflection of evolvement from the static to mobile map represent of the spatial information. On side,the user incept the information from the processor,on the other hand,he incept stimulates from the external circumstance. And he obtained the cognition of the external world through compare. In the course of compare,the user must to rotation the spatial information in his cerebrum,and the time required to rotation the spatial information is relevant to the take time to rotation a object really. The custom terms of people is not only influential to the man's spatial feeling and recall but the spatial illation,because that a spatial reference frame has itself character. Finally,it sum up the significance of the theory basic research.
Keywords:Mobile Map  Information Transmission  Spatial Cognition  Mental Rotation
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