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The Effect of Stage on Flow and Components of the Local Force Balance
Authors:Peter J. Whiting
Abstract:Flow fields and water and bed surface topography were measured at two different stages as flow shoals over a submerged mid-channel bar in a straight reach downstream of a bend in Solfatara Creek, Wyoming. The data allow calculation and comparison of the magnitude of the component terms in the downstream and cross-stream force balance at the different stages. At the lower stage, corresponding to a discharge that is 30 per cent of the bankfull discharge, the convective acceleration terms in the equations describing the force balance are important, particularly the terms associated with the cross-stream transport of momentum. These terms are large because of the large accelerations and cross-stream flow forced by the shallow flow over the bar. At the higher stage, corresponding to a discharge that is 45 per cent of the bankfull discharge, flow is more directly downstream and cross-stream velocity is generally less in most of the channel. Downstream flow velocities at the higher stage are larger, but the acceleration is more gradual. Consequently, the convective accelerations at the higher stage tend to be less important than at the lower stage. Results from the two different stages suggest that some of the difference in conclusions reached by various workers on the significance of the various terms in the governing equations may be associated with the relative depth of flow. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Keywords:channel topography  stage  force balance  boundary shear stress
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