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Evidence for the loss of snow-deposited MSA to the interstitial gaseous phase in central Antarctic firn
Affiliation:Laboratoire de Glaciologie et Géophysique de l'Environnement du CNRS, BP 96, F-38402 St Martin d'Hères-Cédex, France;;National Institute of Polar Research, 9-10 Kaga, 1-chome, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo 173-8515, Japan
We have examined several MSA (methanesulfonic acid) records from the upper 200 m of the Antarctic ice sheet and in particular the new Dome F profile. At all the four sites studied, concentration profiles exhibit similar patterns as a function of depth. They suggest that snow metamorphism and solid phase migration are responsible for a marked release of gaseous MSA to interstitial firn air as well as probably to the free atmosphere, in particular at extremely low accumulation sites. Snow acidity can also modify MSA concentration. It is proposed that, below the upper few metres where the communication with the free atmosphere is possible, gaseous MSA may remain in the firn layers and be entrapped later in air bubbles at pore close-off, i.e. when firn is transformed into ice. Chemical measurements on the firn core do not take into account the MSA released to the gaseous phase, but this fraction is measurable in ice samples. In spite of these alterations occurring in the firn layers, relative changes of the atmospheric MSA concentration in the past are probably still there deep within the Antarctic ice sheet. However, for glacial periods, different processes have to be considered in relation to modified aerosol properties.
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