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Direct and Indirect pCO2 Measurements in a Wide Range of pCO2 and Salinity Values (The Scheldt Estuary)
Authors:Michel Frankignoulle  Alberto Vieira Borges
Affiliation:(1) Université de Liége, Unité d'Océanographie Chimique, Institut de Physique B5, B4000 Sart Tilman, Belgium
Recent improvements in both Infra-red spectroscopy and equilibrator techniqueshave allowed to determine, for the first time, pCO2using simultaneously and continuously both the direct and indirect methods in an estuary where pCO2 values range from 500 to 8500 mgratm and salinity from 0 to 30. Our results show that both methods are in excellent agreement in the wholeestuary (r2 = 0.999, n = 1075, p < 0.0001). Thus, the NBS (US National Bureau of Standards) scale, although inadequate for seawater samples, is appropriate for estuarine waters and can be applied with confidence to calculate pCO2.
Keywords:pH  estuaries  NBS Scale  pCO2  equilibrator  Infra-red Gas Analyser
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