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引用本文:阳凡林,孔祥元. 基于RTK配合测深仪技术测算库容精度探讨[J]. 测绘工程, 2002, 11(1): 38-41
作者姓名:阳凡林  孔祥元
摘    要:通过对某大型水库库容的测算实践为例,详细地讨论了基于GPSRTK配合测深仪测算水库库容的主要误差来源及其精度。

关 键 词:GPSRTK  测深  水库  库容

Analysis for Precision of Calculating Volume of Reservoir by DGPS RTK Working together with Sounding Instruments
YANG Fan-lin,KONG Xiang-yuan. Analysis for Precision of Calculating Volume of Reservoir by DGPS RTK Working together with Sounding Instruments[J]. Engineering of Surveying and Mapping, 2002, 11(1): 38-41
Authors:YANG Fan-lin  KONG Xiang-yuan
Abstract:The essay,based on the experiences of surveying and calculating the volume of the big reser-voir by GPS RTK working together with sounding instruments,discussed its precision and main error from some aspects,for example,costal line,pose,water level,terrain and instruments etc.
Keywords:GPS RTK  surveying depth  reservoir  the volumes of reservoir
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