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引用本文:谢谟文,江崎哲郎,邱骋,贾宁. 空间三维滑坡敏感性分区工具及其应用[J]. 地学前缘, 2007, 14(6): 73-84
作者姓名:谢谟文  江崎哲郎  邱骋  贾宁
作者单位:北京科技大学 土木与环境工程学院,北京,100083;九州大学 环境系统研究中心,日本 福冈 812-8581
基金项目:日本学术振兴会资助项目 , 新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目(NCET)
摘    要:对于滑坡敏感性分区目前有三种方法:定性法、统计法和基于岩土定量模型的确定性方法。定性法基于对滑坡敏感性或灾害评估的人为判断;统计法用一个来源于结合了权重因子的预测函数或指标;而确定性法,或者说是物理定量模型法以质量、能量和动量守恒定律为基础。二维确定性模型广泛用于土木工程设计,而无限边坡模型(一维)也用于滑坡灾害分区的确定性模型。文中提出了一个新的基于GIS(地理信息系统)的滑坡敏感性分区系统,这个系统可用于从复杂地形中确认可能的危险三维(3-D)滑坡体。所有与滑坡相关的空间数据(矢量或栅格数据)都被集成到这个系统中。通过把研究区域划分为边坡单元并假定初始滑动面是椭球的下半部分,并使用Monte Carlo随机搜索法,三维滑坡稳定性分析中的三维最危险滑面是三维安全系数最小的地方。使用近似方法假定有效凝聚力、有效摩擦角和三维安全系数服从正态分布,可以计算出滑坡失稳概率。3DSlopeGIS是一个计算机程序,它内嵌了GIS Developer kit(ArcObjects of ESRI)来实现GIS空间分析功能和有效的数据管理。应用此工具可以解决所有的三维边坡空间数据解问题。通过使用空间分析、数据管理和GIS的可视化功能来处理复杂的边坡数据,三维边坡稳定性问题很容易用一个友好的可视化图形界面来解决。将3DSlopeGIS系统应用到3个滑坡敏感性分区的实例中:第一个是一个城市规划项目,第二个是预测以往滑坡灾害对临近区域可能的影响,第三个则是沿着国家主干道的滑坡分区。基于足够次数的Monte Carlo模拟法,可以确认可能的最危险滑坡体。这在以往的传统边坡稳定性分析中是不可能的。

关 键 词:地理信息系统(GIS)  滑坡失稳  三维模型  边坡单元  三维滑坡稳定计算  三维安全系数

A spatial three-dimensional landslide susceptibility mapping tool and its applications
Xie Mowen,Tetsuro Esaki,Qiu Cheng,Jia Ning. A spatial three-dimensional landslide susceptibility mapping tool and its applications[J]. Earth Science Frontiers, 2007, 14(6): 73-84
Authors:Xie Mowen  Tetsuro Esaki  Qiu Cheng  Jia Ning
Abstract:There are three methods of zoning landslide susceptibility: qualitative,statistical methodologies and geotechnical model.Qualitative approaches are based on the judgment of those conducting the susceptibility or hazard assessment;the statistical approach uses a predictive function or index derived from a combination of weighted factors;and the deterministic,or physically based,models are based on the physical laws of conservation of mass,energy and momentum.Two-dimensional deterministic models are widely used in the design of civil engineering and the infinite slope model(one-dimensional) is employed in the deterministic model based landslide hazard mapping.This paper presents a new GIS(Geographic Information Systems)-based landslide susceptibility mapping system which can be used to identify the three-dimensional(3-D) landslide bodies from complex topography.All slope-related spatial information(vector or raster dataset) is integrated in the system,by dividing the study area into slope units and assuming the initial slip to be the lower part of an ellipsoid.The 3-D critical slip surface in the 3-D slope stability analysis is located by minimizing the 3-D safety factor using the Monte Carlo random simulation.The failure probability of the landslide is calculated using an approximate method in which effective cohesion,effective friction angle and 3-D safety factor are assumed to be in normal distribution.A computational program called 3-DSlopeGIS,in which a GIS Developer kit(ArcObjects of ESRI) is used to fulfill the GIS spatial analysis function and effective data management,has been developed to implement all the calculations of the 3-D slope problem.By using the spatial analysis functions,the data management and the visualization of GIS for processing the complicated slope-related data,the 3-D slope stability problem is easier to be studied through a friendly visual graphical user interface.The system has been applied for mapping the landslide susceptibility of three examples: the first one for city planning,the second for predicting the possible landslide influence around a past slope disaster,and the third for mapping landslide along a national route.Based on numerous Monte Carlo simulations,the possible critical landslide bodies have been identified which cannot be carried out by using the traditional slope stability analyses.
Keywords:geographical information system(GIS)  landslide failure  3-D model  slope unit  3-D landslide stability calculation  3-D safety factor
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