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引用本文:宝音,文子祥,董树第,张继贤,杨泰运. 陕北土地沙漠化及其防治区划[J]. 中国沙漠, 1984, 4(2): 35-44
作者姓名:宝音  文子祥  董树第  张继贤  杨泰运
摘    要:本文对陕北榆林地区土地沙漠化划分了四种类型及描述了沙漠化土地分布的特点,并对这一地区的沙漠化土地进行了防治区划,为全区制定综合农业区划提供科学依据。沙漠化是土地在自然和人为因素作用下,植被和土壤逐渐衰退破坏导致沙地出现的过程。当今,沙漠化迅速发展和扩大的特征是以人口的迅猛增长及滥用土地为主要标志,它所带来的对人类生活及环境的威胁,正越来越引起人们的重视。陕北地区是我国沙漠化严重地区之一,研究其发生发展的历史和现状,预测其发展趋势,从而制定沙漠化土地的治理区划,对本区沙漠化土地整治和预防具有重要意义。

关 键 词:土地沙漠化  防治区划  沙漠化面积  沙漠化防治  陕北地区  滥用土地  综合农业区划  陕北榆林  黄土丘陵  生态环境因子  

inventorying of the Types of Desertification and its Prevention in the North of Shaanxi Province
Bao Yin,Wen Zixiang,Dong Shudi,Zhang Jixian,Yang Taiyun. inventorying of the Types of Desertification and its Prevention in the North of Shaanxi Province[J]. ournal of Desert Research, 1984, 4(2): 35-44
Authors:Bao Yin  Wen Zixiang  Dong Shudi  Zhang Jixian  Yang Taiyun
Affiliation:Institute of Desert Research, Academia sinica
Abstract:The north Part of Shaanxi Province is situated in the Southeastern Mu Us Sandy Land, it is one of the severe desertification areas in China. The desertified land areas cover about 21,713 sq.kilometers, occupying 49.8% of the total area in Yulin Prefecture. The desertified lands can te divided into the following four types (see "the MaP of Inventorying of the Types of Desertification and Its Prevention in the North of Shaanxi Province" 1: 400000): 1. Latent desertified land; 2. On-going desertified land; 3.Severe desertified land; and 4.Most severe desertified land. The development of desertification in the area is gradually changing from bad to worse from southeast to northwest. The main factors causing desertif ication are the dry and windy climate, sufficient sand sources, severe erosions, blind growth of population, mis-management of agriculture and animal husbandry, destruction of vegetation arid irrational utilization of land resource. The desertification processes can be divided into two types in its landscape loess area and Ordos Plateau area. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, botter results have been obtained in the case study area on combating desertification, but it is still going to develop. The authors have divided Yulin Prefecture into 2 zones and 12 sub-zones for combating the world- wide problem, The physical characteristics, approaches and measures for the issue in each zone and sub-zone respectively presented in the study.
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