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Stochastic Particle Acceleration in Blazar Jets
引用本文:Jian-ChengWang. Stochastic Particle Acceleration in Blazar Jets[J]. 中国天文和天体物理学报, 2002, 2(1): 1-7
作者单位:Jian-Cheng Wang Yunnan Observatory Chinse Academy of Sciences,Kunming 650011 National Astronomical Observatories,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100012 United Laboratory of Optical Astronomy Chinese Academy of Sciences Extragalactic astronomy Recei
基金项目:the National AstronomicalObservatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences (NAOCAS) and by NAOCAS grant 991-5102CA.
摘    要:1 INTRoDUCTIONB1azars are rwho-loud AGNs characterized by emissions of strong and raPidiy wriablenOllthermal radiation over the elltire electromagntic spectrum. Syndritron ehasha followedby inverse ComPton scattering in a re1aivistic jet and beamd inio one directiOn is generallythought to be the IneCha8m powering these Objects (Kollgaard 1994; Urry & Paded 1995).All blazars have a sPectral energy distribution (SED) with tWO peak8 in a uFv rePesentation(von Montigny et al. 1995; S…

关 键 词:推测  粒子加速度  Blazar天体  等离子体理论  辐射平衡机制

Stochastic Particle Acceleration in Blazar Jets
JianCheng Wang. Stochastic Particle Acceleration in Blazar Jets[J]. Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2002, 2(1): 1-7
Authors:JianCheng Wang
Abstract:The bulk kinetic energy of jets can be dissipated via generating turbulent plasma waves. We examine stochastic particle acceleration in blazar jets to explain the emissions of all blazars. We show that acceleration of electrons by plasma turbulence waves with a spectrum W(k)-k^-4/3 produces a nonthermal population of relativistic electrons whose peak frequency of synchrotron emission can fit the observational trends in the spectral energy distribution of all blazars. The plasma nonlinear processes responsible for the formation of turbulent spectrum are investigated. Increases in the interraction time of turbulent waves can produce a flatter spectrum leading to efficient particle acceleration.
Keywords:acceleration of paxticles - blazars: theory - plasma: turbulence - radiation mechanism: nonthermal
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