Affiliation: | a Centre d'Etude Spatiale des Rayonnements, UPR-CNRS 8002, 9 Av. du Colonel Roche, BP 4346, 31029, Toulouse Cedex, France b Laboratoire de Photophysique Moléculaire du CNRS, Bat 213, Université Paris Sud, 91405, Orsay Cedex, France |
Abstract: | Observations of cometary comae in the infrared and in the near-ultraviolet suggest that polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are present in these environments. However, the chemical identity and abundance of these molecules are not clearly determined yet. Some species are probably more stable than others when submitted to the solar radiation field, and are therefore more likely to be observed. The photophysics of gas-phase PAHs in cometary environments is modelled. Photodissociation occurs when the heating by absorption of UV photons is more efficient than the radiative cooling. The lifetime of the molecules is found to depend on their size: small molecules being more stable than large ones. Furthermore, at 1 AU from the Sun, the lifetime of PAHs is found to be very short (20s for phenanthrene). This suggests that, if observed in the gas phase in cometary environments, these molecules should be produced by an extended source. |