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引用本文:陈榕,申延平,张晨晨. 加勒比板块边缘中新生代构造古地理特征及演化[J]. 古地理学报, 2015, 17(1): 63-80. DOI: 10.7605/gdlxb.2015.01.006
作者姓名:陈榕  申延平  张晨晨
作者单位:1.北京大学地球与空间科学学院, 北京 1008712 国土资源部油气战略研究中心, 北京 100034
摘    要:加勒比板块边缘带包括西缘中美洲古陆块及火山岛弧、北缘大安的列斯岛弧带、东缘小安的列斯岛弧带和南缘南美板块北部4个部分,其沉积充填特征存在明显差异。加勒比板块边缘接受沉积时间由西向东逐渐变晚,其中中美洲古陆块以碳酸盐岩及火山碎屑岩充填为主,大安的列斯岛弧带及南美板块北部地区以碳酸盐岩—碎屑岩混合沉积充填为特征,中美洲火山岛弧带与东缘小安的列斯岛弧带以火山碎屑岩充填为主,造成这种沉积充填差异的主要原因是构造演化控制下的加勒比地区的古地理特征不同。加勒比板块及其周缘地区的构造古地理演化共经历4个阶段:(1)侏罗纪裂谷期,泛大陆的裂解使得南、北美板块边缘发育裂谷相;(2)白垩纪被动陆缘期,古加勒比海槽的进一步打开使得南、北美板块边缘发育被动大陆边缘浅海相;(3)晚白垩世—始新世碰撞造山期,加勒比板块与南、北美板块的碰撞拼合作用使得加勒比板块南、北缘均从海相转变为碰撞造山陆相;(4)始新世以来的分异期,随着古加勒比海槽的消亡和北缘碰撞拼合的结束,加勒比板块东缘及西缘的火山岛弧带进一步发育,而北缘及南缘继续发育陆相沉积。

关 键 词:沉积充填  板块边缘  弧陆碰撞  构造古地理  中生代  新生代  加勒比板块  

The Meso-Cenozoic tectonopalaeogeographic characteristics and evolution of Caribbean Plate margins
ChenRong,ShenYanping , ZhangChenchen. The Meso-Cenozoic tectonopalaeogeographic characteristics and evolution of Caribbean Plate margins[J]. Journal of Palaeogeography, 2015, 17(1): 63-80. DOI: 10.7605/gdlxb.2015.01.006
Authors:ChenRong  ShenYanping    ZhangChenchen
Affiliation:1.School of Earth and Space Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 1008712 Strategic Research Center of Oil and Gas, Ministry of Land and Resources, Beijing 100034
Abstract:The Caribbean marginal region is divided into four belts,i.e.,the Central American palaeocontinent and volcanic arcs in the west,the Greater Antillean belt in the north,the Lesser Antillean belt in the east,and the northern boundary of South America in the south. Sedimentation began firstly in the west and then progressed gradually eastwards. Respectively,the Central American palaeocontinent is mainly carbonate rocks and volcaniclastic rocks;the Greater Antillean belt and the northern boundary of South America are dominated by mixed carbonate-clastic sedimentation;and the Central American volcanic arcs and the Lesser Antillean belt are characterized of volcanic-clastic rocks. This sedimentary differentiation is mainly due to the various palaeogeographical characteristics controlled by tectonic evolution. Four stages of tectonopalaeogeography in Caribbean Plate and its peripheral areas are indentified:(1)Rift facies developed at the boundaries of South and North American Plates due to the rifting of Pangea in the Jurassic;(2)In the Cretaceous, shallow marine facies of passive margin were developed in the boundaries of South and North American Plates with the opening of Proto-Caribbean trough;(3)In the latest Cretaceous-Eocene,the palaeogeography of southern and northern margins of Caribbean Plate changed into continental facies;(4)The volcanic arcs were developed at eastern and western margins of Caribbean Plate and continental facies were further developed on the northern and southern margins at the end of the collision since the Eocene.
Keywords:sedimentary fillings  plate margin  arc-continent collision  tectono palaeogeography  Mesozoic  Cenozoic  Caribbean Plate
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