The weather and climate of Australia and New Zealand A.P. Sturman & N.J. Tapper, 1996 Oxford University Press, Melbourne 18 × 24 cm, xi + 476pp., ISBN 0–19–553393–3, A$55.00 (soft) Australians and the environment W. McLennan, 1996 Australian Bureau of Statistics (Catalogue No. 4601.0), Melbourne 21 × 30 cm, viii + 415pp., ISBN 0–642–20690–2, A$44.00 (soft) The information age: economy, society and culture. Vol.1—The rise of the network society M. Castells, 1996 Blackwell, Cambridge MA/Oxford 15 × 23 cm, xvii + 556 pp., ISBN 1–155786–617–1, US$25.95/£15.99 (soft) Retailing, consumption and capital: towards the new retail geography N. Wrigley & M. Lowe (eds), 1996 Longman, Harlow 16 × 23 cm, vi + 352 pp., ISBN 0–582–22824–7, £17.99 (soft) |