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A note on fault reactivation
Authors:Richard H Sibson
Affiliation:Department of Geological Sciences, University of California, Santa Barbara, California 93106, U.S.A.
Abstract:Reactivation of existing faults whose normal lies in the σ1σ3 plane of a stress field with effective principal compressive stresses σ1 >σ2 >σ3 is considered for the simplest frictional failure criterion, τ = μσn = μ(σnP), where τ and σn are respectively the shear and normal stresses to the existing fault, P is the fluid pressure and μ is the static friction. For a plane oriented at θ to σ1, the stress ratio for reactivation is (σ1/σ3) = (1 + μ cot θ)/(1 − μ tan θ). This ratio has a minimum positive value at the optimum angle for reactivation given by (1/μ) but reaches infinity when θ = 2θ*, beyond which σ3 < 0 is a necessary condition for reactivation. An important consequence is that for typical rock friction coefficients, it is unlikely that normal faults will be reactivated as high-angle reverse faults or thrusts as low-angle normal faults, unless the effective least principal stress is tensile.
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