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A density‐dependent elastoplastic hydro‐mechanical model for unsaturated compacted soils
Authors:D. A. Sun  D. C. Sheng  H. B. Cui  S. W. Sloan
Affiliation:1. Department of Civil Engineering, Shanghai University, 149 Yanchang Road, Shanghai 200072, ChinaDepartment of Civil Engineering, Shanghai University, 149 Yanchang Road, Shanghai 200072, China;2. School of Engineering, University of Newcastle, NSW 2308, Australia;3. Department of Civil Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya 466‐8555, Japan
Abstract:This paper presents a three‐dimensional elastoplastic constitutive model for predicting the hydraulic and mechanical behaviour of unsaturated soils. It is based on experimental results obtained from a series of controlled‐suction triaxial tests on unsaturated compacted clay with different initial densities. Hydraulic hysteresis in the water‐retention behaviour is modelled as an elastoplastic process, with the elastic part modelled by a series of scanning curves and the elastoplastic part modelled by the main drying and wetting curves. The effect of void ratio on the water‐retention behaviour is studied using data obtained from controlled‐suction wetting–drying cyclic tests on unsaturated compacted clay with different initial densities. The effect of the degree of saturation on the stress–strain‐strength behaviour and the effect of void ratio on the water‐retention behaviour are considered in the model, as is the effect of suction on the hydraulic and mechanical behaviour. The initial density dependency of the compacted soil behaviour is modelled by experimental relationships between the initial density and the corresponding yield stress and, thereby, between the initial density and the normal compression line. The model is generalized to three‐dimensional stress states by assuming that the shapes of the failure and yield surfaces in the deviatoric stress plane are given by the Matsuoka–Nakai criterion. Model predictions of the stress–strain and water‐retention behaviour are compared with those obtained from triaxial tests with different initial densities under isotropic compression, triaxial compression and triaxial extension, with or without variation in suction. The comparisons indicate that the model accurately predicts the hydraulic and mechanical behaviour of unsaturated compacted soils with different initial densities using the same material constant. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Keywords:unsaturated soil  elastoplastic  constitutive equation  suction  water‐retention curve  triaxial test
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