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Atmospheric loss of energetic electrons in the Jovian synchrotron zone
Authors:K. Wang  S.J. BoltonS.M. Gulkis  S.M. Levin
Affiliation:a Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA
b Department of Physics, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, ROC
c Department of Physics, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC
Abstract:For decades, ground-based radio observations of Jovian synchrotron radiation have shown emission originating predominantly from the equatorial region and from high-latitude regions (lobes) near L∼2.5. The observations show a longitudinally asymmetric gap between the emission peaks of the lobes and the atmosphere of Jupiter. One possible explanation for these gaps is the loss of electrons through collisions with atmospheric neutrals as the electrons bounce along magnetic field lines and drift longitudinally in the presence of asymmetric magnetic fields. To assess this hypothesis, we applied the recently developed O6 and VIP4 magnetic field models to calculate the trajectories of electrons as they drift longitudinally in Jupiter's magnetic field, and derive the sizes of their equatorial drift loss cones. We then identified the shells on which electrons would be lost due to collisions with the atmosphere. The calculated drift loss cone sizes could be applied in future to the modeling of electron distribution functions in this region and could also be applied to the study of Jovian auroral zone. This method also allowed us to compute the shell-splitting effects for these drifting electrons and we find the shell-splitting to be small (?0.05RJ). This justifies a recent modeling assumption that particles drift on the same shells in a three-dimensional distribution model of electrons. We also compared the computed gaps with the observed gaps, and found that the atmospheric loss mechanism alone is not able to sufficiently explain the observed gap asymmetry.
Keywords:Jovian synchrotron radiation   Drift shells   Drift loss cones
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