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An inverse method for underwater bottom topography by using SAR imagery
Authors:Jin Yaqiu and Zhang Wei
Affiliation:Center for Wave Scattering and Remote Sensing, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China
Abstract:Interaction between current and underwater bottom topography leads to roughness of the sea surface, which in turn yields variation of the radar scattering echo. By using the continuity equation and weak hydrodynamic interaction theory in the relaxation time approximation, the spatial variation of the radar scattering cross-section has been proved as proportional to the gradient of current velocity. The current direction is first determined by using two-dimensional (2-D) correlation of spatial variation of backscattering measured by the SAR imagery, as the priori knowledge of the current direction is not available. The inverse algorithm to successively derive 2 - D underwater bottom topography from the SAR imagery is developed. As an application, the SAR SIR- C image over the sea area of Hong Kong, China is studied.
Keywords:Underwater bottom topography  ocean current  SAR  inversion
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