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引用本文:赵秀峰,曹景洋,罗惠芬. 岩土热物理性质室内测试方法探讨[J]. 安徽地质, 2016, 26(1). DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6157.2016.01.015
作者姓名:赵秀峰  曹景洋  罗惠芬
摘    要:介绍了热线法、平面热源法、热平衡法和差示扫描量热(DSC)法4种室内测定岩土热物理性质测试方法的基本原理,分析评价了每种方法的优缺点和适用范围。指出现场钻探取样、室内样品制备和测试时仪器设备参数的选择等人员操作因素都直接影响测试结果的可靠性,结合笔者多年实际工作经验,给出了相应的建议。国家相关部门和科研机构尽快制定统一的测试方法标准和仪器设备产品标准,建立量值溯源体系,保证测试数据的可靠,提高不同实验室间所测数据的可比性。

关 键 词:岩土热物理性质  热线法  平面热源法  热平衡法  差示扫描量热法

diSCuSSion on the method of indoor teStinG of thermAl PhySiCAl ProPertieS of roCK And Soil
zhAo xiu-feng,CAo Jing-yang,luo hui-fen. diSCuSSion on the method of indoor teStinG of thermAl PhySiCAl ProPertieS of roCK And Soil[J]. Geology of Anhui, 2016, 26(1). DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6157.2016.01.015
Authors:zhAo xiu-feng  CAo Jing-yang  luo hui-fen
Abstract:This paper introduced the basic principles of 4 indoor testing methods of thermal physical properties of rock and soil, such as hot-wire method, hot plane source method, heat balance method and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), analyzed advantages, disadvantages and applicable range of each method, pointed out that site drilling and sampling, the choice of instrument parameters during indoor sample preparation and test, and human operation factors all directly affect the reliability of testing results, and then gave relevant suggestions based on work experiences of the authors that national relevant departments and sci-tech agencies should make unified norms for testing methods and instrument products and build up quantity traceability system as soon as possible to ensure the reliability of testing data and improve the comparability of the data from different labs.
Keywords:thermal physical properties of rock and soil  hot-wire method  hot plane source method  heat balance method  differential scanning calorimetry
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