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Simulated performance of dedicated Ge-strip Compton telescopes as γ-lens focal plane instrumentation
Authors:C. B. Wunderer  P. von Ballmoos  N. Barrière  S. E. Boggs  G. Weidenspointner  A. Zoglauer
Affiliation:(1) Space Sciences Laboratory, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA;(2) Centre d'Etude Spatiale des Rayonnements, Toulouse, France
Abstract:With focusing of gamma rays in the nuclear-line energy regime starting to establish itself as a feasible and very promising approach for high-sensitivity γ-ray (line) studies of individual sources, optimizing the focal plane instrumentation for γ-ray lens telescopes is a prime concern. Germanium detectors offer the best energy resolution available at ∼2 keV FWHM at 1 MeV and thus constitute the detector of choice for a spectroscopy mission in the MeV energy range. Using a Compton detector focal plane has three advantages over monolithic detectors: additional knowledge about (Compton) events enhances background rejection capabilities, the inherently finely pixellated detector naturally allows the selection of events according to the focal spot size and position, and Compton detectors are inherently sensitive to γ-ray polarization. We use the extensive simulation and analysis package assembled for the ACT vision mission study to explore achievable sensitivities for different Ge Compton focal plane configurations as a first step towards determining an optimum configuration.CBW thanks the Townes Fellowship at UCB and NASA Grant NNG05WC28G for Support.
Keywords:X- and gamma-ray telescopes and instrumentation  Observation and data reduction techniques: computer modeling and simulation  Compton scattering  Nucleosynthesis
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