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引用本文:吴立,王心源,张广胜,肖霞云. 安徽巢湖湖泊沉积物孢粉-炭屑组合记录的全新世以来植被与气候演变[J]. 古地理学报, 2008, 10(2): 183-192. DOI: 10.7605/gdlxb.2008.02.008
作者姓名:吴立  王心源  张广胜  肖霞云
基金项目:国家自然科学基金 , 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划) , 安徽省自然科学基金
摘    要:利用湖泊钻孔的孢粉及炭屑分析资料,探讨了安徽巢湖湖泊沉积物孢粉-炭屑组合记录的全新世以来植被与气候演变。孢粉-炭屑记录表明:本区9870-6040 cal.{a BP},植被是以壳斗科的落叶、常绿属种为主的落叶阔叶、常绿阔叶混交林,气候呈现温和略干的特点;6040-4860 cal.{a BP},植被是以落叶栎类、栗属、青冈属和栲/石栎属为主的落叶阔叶、常绿阔叶混交林,气候由前一阶段的温和略干变为温暖湿润,进入全新世最适宜气候期;4860-2170 cal.{a BP},植被是以落叶栎类占绝对优势的落叶阔叶、常绿阔叶混交林,气温逐渐降低、湿度下降,气候温和干燥,环境整体向着干旱趋势转化,2170 cal.{a BP}左右出现一次明显的干旱事件;2170-1040 cal.{a BP},森林退缩,落叶阔叶、常绿阔叶混交林迅速被破坏,演替成以禾本科为主的草地,气候处于转型时期,总体上温和湿润;1040-200 cal.{a BP},木本植物仅零星分布,可能存在针叶阔叶混交林植被,植被类型逐渐演替成以禾本科、蒿属和蓼属等为主的草丛,其中包括较多的农作物,气候温凉稍湿;200 cal.{a BP}以来,湖区周围零星分布有阔叶乔木,松林在远处可能有分布,植被仍是以禾本科、蒿属和蓼属等为主的草丛,气候相对温暖湿润,但也有若干变凉干的波动,湖泊富营养化水平逐渐增加,人类活动已经对环境变化产生了较大的影响。

关 键 词:安徽巢湖  湖泊沉积物  全新世孢粉-炭屑组合植被演替  气候变化

Vegetation evolution and climate change since the Holocene recorded by pollen-charcoal assemblages from lacustrine sediments of Chaohu Lake in Anhui Province
Wu Li,Wang Xinyuan,Zhang Guangsheng,Xiao Xiayun. Vegetation evolution and climate change since the Holocene recorded by pollen-charcoal assemblages from lacustrine sediments of Chaohu Lake in Anhui Province[J]. Journal of Palaeogeography, 2008, 10(2): 183-192. DOI: 10.7605/gdlxb.2008.02.008
Authors:Wu Li  Wang Xinyuan  Zhang Guangsheng  Xiao Xiayun
Affiliation:1.College of Territorial Resources and Tourism,Anhui Normal University,Wuhu 241000,Anhui ;2.College of Geography and Marine Sciences,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210093,Jiangsu ;3.Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Nanjing 210008, Jiangsu
Abstract:Based on the analyses of the pollen charcoal assemblages of sediments from the borehole in the Chaohu Lake,the vegetation evolution and the climate change in this area since the Holocene have been discussed. The records of the pollen charcoal assemblages show that the vegetation evolution and climate change in the Chaohu Lake experienced six stages. Namely,the mixed forest of deciduous broad leaf trees and evergreen broad leaf trees with Fagaceae being the main components occupied most areas of the Chaohu Lake during 9870-6040 cal.{a BP},reflecting a relatively warm and slightly dry climate. During 6040-4860 cal.{a BP},the climate changed from warm and slightly dry in the former stage to warm moist condition(Atlantic period),the vegetation changed to the mixed forest of deciduous broad leaf trees and evergreen broad leaf trees with Quercus,Castanea,Cyclobalanopsis and Castanopsis/Lithocarpus as the main components. During 4860-2170 cal.{a BP},the records indicate that this area was dominated by the mixed forest of deciduous broad leaf trees and evergreen broad leaf trees with Quercus as the main components,which reflects a relatively warm dry climate. Interpretation of pollen charcoal assemblages also suggests a drying trend with the decrease in temperature and humidity during this period. An obvious draught event occurred at about 2170 cal.{a BP}. During 2170-1040 cal.{a BP},the vegetation changed from the mixed forest of deciduous broad leaf trees and evergreen broad leaf trees to the grassland with Gramineae as the main components. This was a climate transition period which was characterized by a relatively warm wet climate condition. During 1040-200 cal.{a BP},the vegetation was dominated by the mixed forest of conifers and broad leaf trees grassland with Pinus,Gramineae being the main components. There were many crops in this stage. The climate was relatively cool and slightly moist in this period. From 200 cal.{a BP} to the present, grasslands occupied most areas around the lake with some conifers and broad leaf trees as the main components,and the climate is relatively warm and moist with some cool dry fluctuations. The high eutrophic status may be caused by human activities in this period.
Keywords:Anhui  Chaohu Lake  lacustrine sediments  Holocene  pollen-charcoal assemblages  vegetation evolution  climate change
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