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Application of observed strain steps to the study of remote earthquake stress triggering
引用本文:邱泽华,石耀霖. Application of observed strain steps to the study of remote earthquake stress triggering[J]. 地震学报(英文版), 2004, 17(5): 534-541. DOI: 10.1007/s11589-004-0035-z
作者姓名:邱泽华  石耀霖
作者单位:Institute of Crustal Dynamics,China Earthquake Administration,Beijing 100085,China,Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100039,China
摘    要:IntroductionModernseismologysuggeststhatearthquakesarecausedbyfaultslippingtriggeredbytec-tonicstressesaccumulatedtoacertainextent;andthefaultslip,inturn,releasesstresses.Infact,whenanintensivequakeoccurs,thefracturingoftheseismogenicfaultdoesnotleadtothereleaseofallthestressesbut,accordingtothegeometricrelationsamongthefaults,releasesstressesonsomeofthefaultstomakethemmorestable,whileaccumulatesstressesonotherfaultstomakethemtendtoslip.Asanapproximation,thestrengthofthefaulttobeysByerleylawby…


Application of observed strain steps to the study of remote earthquake stress triggering
Qiu Ze-hua and Shi Yao-lin. Application of observed strain steps to the study of remote earthquake stress triggering[J]. Acta Seismologica Sinica(English Edition), 2004, 17(5): 534-541. DOI: 10.1007/s11589-004-0035-z
Authors:Qiu Ze-hua and Shi Yao-lin
Affiliation:1. Institute of Crustal Dynamics,China Earthquake Administration,Beijing,100085,China
2. Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing,100039,China
Abstract:A study of the Kunlunshan earthquake of MS = 8.1 based on observed coseismic strain steps from the borehole strain monitoring network over China has been carried out with some interesting results. Firstly, many recordings disagree with theoretic calculation using static dislocation model. Secondly, abnormally large strain steps are ob-served at quite a few stations in the tectonically active east-northern China, while in the relatively inactive east-southern China no obvious steps are recorded. It is inferred that seismic stress triggering may significantly affect remote seismic strain field. In other words, whether remote faulting be seismically triggered or not may de-termine the pattern of local seismic strain changes. Further comparison study results of March 11, 1999 Zhangbei earthquake and November 1, 1999 Datong earthquake show that the specific pattern of seismic zones has obvious influence on seismic strain changes in the region. This supports the idea that observed abnormal strain steps might be produced by coseismicly stress-triggered local faulting.
Keywords:stress triggering  strain observation  seismic stress step
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