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引用本文:李向峰,张春生,刘富艳,肖梦华,王延奇. 普光气田飞仙关组储层沉积体系及沉积相特征[J]. 海相油气地质, 2010, 15(3)
作者姓名:李向峰  张春生  刘富艳  肖梦华  王延奇
摘    要:通过井下岩心观察与钻井、测井资料分析,将普光气田下三叠统飞仙关组划分为碳酸盐岩台地、台缘、斜坡—盆地三大沉积体系,其中碳酸盐岩台地沉积体系可划分为开阔台地、局限台地、蒸发台地等三个相带,斜坡—盆地沉积体系可划分为台地前缘斜坡相、陆棚相、盆地相等三个相带。进一步细分了沉积亚相和微相,描述了各相及亚相的分布与储层特征。储层岩性以白云岩为主,鲕粒白云岩、含砾屑鲕粒白云岩和残余鲕粒白云岩是最重要的储层岩石类型,结晶白云岩和泥晶白云岩储集性能中等,其他岩石类型储集性能相对较差。

关 键 词:普光气田  飞仙关组  海相地层  沉积相  储层特征

Characteristics of Depositional System and Sedimentary Facies of Lower Triassic Feixianguan Reservoir in Puguang Gas Field, Sichuan Basin
Li Xiangfeng,Zhang Chunsheng,Liu Fuyan,Xiao Menghua,Wang Yanqi. Characteristics of Depositional System and Sedimentary Facies of Lower Triassic Feixianguan Reservoir in Puguang Gas Field, Sichuan Basin[J]. Marine Origin Petroleum Geology, 2010, 15(3)
Authors:Li Xiangfeng  Zhang Chunsheng  Liu Fuyan  Xiao Menghua  Wang Yanqi
Abstract:Lower Triassic Feixianguan Formation in Puguang Gas Field can be divided into three major depositional systems,include the carbonate rocks platform,the platform margin and the slope-basin depositional systems.The carbonate platform depositional system can be divided into open platform facies,restricted platform facies and evaporation platform facies.The platform margin depositional systems can be divided into platform marginal facies.The slope-basin depositional system can be divided into marginal slope facies,shelf facies and basin facies.Subfacies and microfacies can be further divided.Feixianguan reservoir mainly consists of dolostone in lithology.Oolitic dolostone,calcirudite oolitic dolostone and residual oolitic dolostone are the important reservoir rocks.It is indicated that the crystalline dolostone and micritic dolostone reservoirs are medium in reservoir property and other types of reservoir rocks are relatively poor in property.
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