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Land desertification and restoration in Middle Eastand North Africa (MENA) region
Authors:Hassan M. El Shaer
Affiliation:Desert Research Center, Mataria, Cairo, Egypt
The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is characterized by high population growth, degraded and fragile naturalecosystems, and a limited amount of arable lands. It is one of the most water-scarce regions in the world. The region isheterogeneous in terms of the countries' economies, but because it includes some of the richest and some of the poorestcountries in the world, regional average economic performance statistics are misleading. The region is mostly semi-aridand arid, with significant areas of extreme aridity. These areas are further challenged by extreme temperatures, frequentdrought, land degradation, and desertification. Recent changes in climate patterns, such as prolonged droughts, recordtemperatures, and increased rainfall irregularity, intensity and distribution, have all further negatively impacted the naturaland agro-ecosystems in the region. Such changes have led to increased vulnerability of the people dependent on such resourcesfor their livelihood. This article focuses on the impact of land desertification due to climate changes on the prevailingnatural resources, and discusses several approaches for mitigating or alleviating desertification.It is clear that water shortage is a problem in many countries of this predominantly arid region, and is unlikely to be reducedand may be exacerbated by climate change. Proposed adaptation strategies might include more efficient organization ofwater supplies, treatment, and delivery systems, and increased use of groundwater. It is necessary to develop alternativeproduction and management systems appropriate to the socioeconomic and environmental conditions in order to preventfurther degradation of the prevailing agro-ecosystems and sustain the livelihoods of farmers living in marginal conditions.Grasslands, livestock, and water resources are likely to be most vulnerable to climate change in the region because they arelocated mostly in marginal areas. Changes in cropping practices and improved irrigation practices, and introducing properlivestock-fodder crop production integrated systems, could significantly enhance water use efficiency, eliminate the impactof desertification, and improve local livelihoods.
Keywords:degradation   salinity   climate changes   water resources   livestock   rangelands
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