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引用本文:符力耘, 肖又军, 孙伟家, 吴超, 管西竹, 张敬洲. 库车坳陷复杂高陡构造地震成像研究[J]. 地球物理学报, 2013, 56(6): 1985-2001, doi: 10.6038/cjg20130620
作者姓名:符力耘  肖又军  孙伟家  吴超  管西竹  张敬洲
作者单位:1. 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所, 北京 100029; 2. 中国石油天然气股份有限公司塔里木油田分公司, 新疆库尔勒 841000
摘    要:复杂构造地震成像主要取决于叠前地震数据品质、偏移速度可靠性和偏移算子成像精度. 库车坳陷异常复杂的近地表条件导致极低信噪比的地震采集数据. 该区逆冲推覆高陡构造刺穿盐体大面积分布, 盐层厚度变化大、顶底面形态复杂, 盐下断裂带破碎、小断块发育, 形成异常复杂的地震成像问题. 本文重点研究三个关键环节:(1)精细的叠前地震预处理研究: 根据该区地震地质复杂性和地震资料特征, 采用一些新的方法技术和技术组合从振幅与时移的大、中、小尺度变化三个层次来解决资料信噪比问题, 重建深部反射信号; (2)三级偏移速度分析研究:利用库车坳陷盐刺穿逆冲推覆构造建模理论及变速成图配套技术解决叠前时间偏移速度场时深转换问题,利用井约束低频速度地震迭代反演技术解决连井层速度场与偏移速度场的融合问题,实现从DMO速度分析、叠前时间偏移速度分析到叠前深度偏移速度分析的有机衔接,建立拓扑结构相对保持的叠前深度偏移速度模型;(3)基于退化Fourier偏移算子的半解析波动方程叠前时间和深度偏移研究, 极大地改善了地震偏移过程中高波数波的成像问题. 通过对库车坳陷大北、博孜、却勒、西秋4和西秋10等复杂高陡构造的叠前时间和深度偏移地震成像处理,取得了较好的应用效果.

关 键 词:库车坳陷复杂高陡构造   叠前数据精细预处理   三级偏移速度建模   退化Fourier偏移成像算子   叠前时间和深度偏移

Seismic imaging studies of complex high and steep structures in Kuqa depression
FU Li-Yun, XIAO You-Jun, SUN Wei-Jia, WU Chao, GUAN Xi-Zhu, ZHANG Jing-Zhou. Seismic imaging studies of complex high and steep structures in Kuqa depression[J]. Chinese Journal of Geophysics (in Chinese), 2013, 56(6): 1985-2001, doi: 10.6038/cjg20130620
Authors:FU Li-Yun    XIAO You-Jun    SUN Wei-Jia    WU Chao    GUAN Xi-Zhu    ZHANG Jing-Zhou
Affiliation:1. Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China; 2. Tarim Oilfield Company, PetroChina Company Limited, Korla Xinjiang 841000, China
Abstract:Seismic imaging generally depends on data quality, velocity reliability, and migrator performance. Complex near-surface geological conditions in Kuqa depression cause extremely low signal-to-noise (S/N) ratios of seismic data. Salts penetrated into overthrust structures are widely distributed, vary in thickness and shape of complex geometries, and distort the imaging of subsalt faults, leading to complicated imaging problems. This article studies three key aspects. In the preprocessing of prestack data, some innovative techniques combined with commercial techniques are employed by three levels to improve data quality and reconstruct the reflections from depths. Three-stage migration velocity analyses, subtle DMO velocity analysis, prestack time-migration, and prestack depth-migration velocity analyses are implemented to build a topology-preservation prestack-migration velocity model. The time-depth conversion of the prestack time-migration velocity model is performed based on the Kuqa-depression modeling theory of salt-related overthrust complex structures combined with the velocity-varying mapping technique. The well-constrained seismic inversion for low-frequency velocities is conducted to handle the syncretization of the well-building and migration-building velocity fields. Finally, prestack time and depth migrations are performed by a semi-analytic degenerate Fourier migrator that improves the imaging of high-wavenumber components. Applications to the Dabei, Bozi, Quele, Xiqiu10, and Xiqiu4 structures result in well-positioned images for salt-related overthrust complex structures.
Keywords:Complex high and steep structures in Kuqa depression  Subtle preprocessing of prestack data  Three-stage migration velocity analyses  Degenerate Fourier migrator  Prestack time and depth migrations
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