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The effect of the velocity of the centre of a cyclone on the generation of microseisms
Authors:V N Tabulevich
Institution:(1) Institute of the Physics of the Solid Earth, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, B. Grouzinskaya 10, Moscow-56, USSR
Abstract:Summary The influence of the velocity of the movement of the centre of the cycloneV c.c. on the rate of amplitudes' change partA/partt and periods' change partT/partt of storm microseisms is investigated. The dependence partA/partt=k V c.c. and partT/partt=k 1 V c.c. is obtained. Unmovable depression (V c.c. =0) does not stipulate the change of partA/partt and partT/partt.
Tcyiecyzcyuscyycy Ocytscyiecyncyicyvcyacyiecytcyscyyacy vcylcyicyyacyncyicyiecy scykcyocyrcyocyscytcyicy dcyvcyicyzhcyiecyncyicyyacy tscyiecyncytcyrcyacy tscyicykcylcyocyncyacyV c.c. ncyacy scykcyocyrcyocyscytcyBcy icyzcymcyiecyncyiecyncyicyyacy acymcypcylcyicytcyucydcy partA/partt icy pcyiecyrcyicyocydcyvcypartT/partt shcytcyocyrcymcyocyvcyycykhcy mcyicykcyrcyocyscyiecyjcyscymcy. Pcyocylcyucychcyiecyncyacy zcyacyvcyicyscyicymcyocyscytcyBcy partA/partt=k V c.c. icy partT/partt=kcy1 V c.c. . Ncyiecypcyocydcyvcyicyzhcyncyacyyacy dcyiecypcyrcyiecyscyscyicyyacy (V c.c. =0) ncyiecy ocybcyucyscylcyocyvcyncyicyvcyacyiecytcy icyzcymcyiecyncyiecyncyicyyacy partA/partt icy partT/partt.

Presented as a scientific communication to the IASPEI Assembly in Madrid, Sept. 1969.
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