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Quantitative assessment of intertidal blue mussel (Mytilus edulis L.) stocks: combined methods of remote sensing, field investigation and sampling
Authors:Marc Herlyn
Affiliation:Niedersächsischer Landesbetrieb für Wasserwirtschaft, Küstenschutz und Naturschutz Norderney, An der Mühle 5, D-26548 Norderney, Germany
Abstract:The aim of this investigation was to develop appropriate methods for quantitative assessment of blue mussel beds. Combined methods of remote sensing, ground truth investigation and sampling in the field were applied to mature and young intertidal mussel beds. Three variables were measured to obtain reliable quantitative estimates of biomass and abundance: the total area covered by a bed; the cover, i.e. the area of mussel-covered patches in relation to the total mussel bed area; and the proportion, i.e. the area covered by mussels within the patches in relation to the total area of mussel patches. Cover and proportion of intertidal blue mussel beds were measured in the field by the transection method. Aerial photographs enabled the total area of the beds to be determined and large-scale surveys of mussel beds to be carried out synchronously. By examining large-scale aerial photographs it was possible also to determine the cover by remote sensing. The proportion could not be derived from aerial photographs, even from pictures at the largest scale tested during this investigation (scale 1:2500). By statistical methods it was estimated that 12 sub-samples (each covering 177 cm2) from mature beds, and 12 sub-samples (each covering 38 cm2) from young beds are needed to obtain reliable data on biomass and abundance.
Keywords:Aerial photography   Blue mussel bed   Mytilus edulis   Quantitative assessment   Remote sensing   Sampling   Wadden Sea of Lower Saxony
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