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引用本文:李世愚,滕春凯,卢振业,刘晓红,刘绮亮,和雪松. 典型构造微破裂集结的实验研究[J]. 地震学报, 2000, 22(3): 278-287
作者姓名:李世愚  滕春凯  卢振业  刘晓红  刘绮亮  和雪松
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目!4 9874 0 0 7,中国地震局重点项目!95-0 4 -0 3 -0 2 -0 4
摘    要:通过大理岩破裂实验,考察了典型构造中微裂纹的演化、集结的过程和特征.根据损伤理论,分析了构造对微破裂演化的控制作用.根据微破裂集结临界条件的相似原理,认为这些特征可以类推到公里尺度,它们有助于解释地震中短期阶段的前震或广义前震分布,作为地震前兆的一次效应.其它物理效应为二次或三次效应.微破裂集结时局部密度突然加大,有助于解释部分前兆记录突跳现象.非集结部分出现部分微裂纹愈合,密度反向变化,有助于解释一些前兆记录在短临阶段记录中出现反向的现象.考察了不同构造的不同部位微破裂萌生和演化的范围差异,这些差异有助于解释不同地质构造孕震区域的孕震过程,从而可解释板缘和板内地震前兆记录的差异.这种差异可能被不同观点学者分别引用,以论证地震是否有前兆记录的问题.然而,在考察不同地区的前兆记录时,必须注意不同地区的地质背景. 

关 键 词:震源物理 实验 损伤 微破裂集结 地震前兆

Li Shiyu- ,) Teng Chunkai- ) Lu Zhenye- ) Liu Xiaohong- ,) Liu Qiliang- ,) He Xuesong- ,) ) Institute of Geophysics,China Seismological Bureau,Beijing ,China ) Institute of Geophysics,Academia Sinica,Beijin. THE EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF MICROCRACKS NUCLEATION IN TYPICAL TECTONICS[J]. Acta Seismologica Sinica, 2000, 22(3): 278-287
Authors:Li Shiyu-   ) Teng Chunkai- ) Lu Zhenye- ) Liu Xiaohong-   ) Liu Qiliang-   ) He Xuesong-   ) ) Institute of Geophysics  China Seismological Bureau  Beijing   China ) Institute of Geophysics  Academia Sinica  Beijin
Affiliation:Li Shiyu- 1,4) Teng Chunkai- 2) Lu Zhenye- 3) Liu Xiaohong- 1,4) Liu Qiliang- 1,4) He Xuesong- 1,4) 1) Institute of Geophysics,China Seismological Bureau,Beijing 100081,China 2) Institute of Geophysics,Academia Sinica,Beijin
Abstract:The evolution, nucleation and characteristics of microcracks in typical tectonics are investigated in the experiment of fracture of marble specimen. The change of state during nucleation of microcracks is observed. The controlling effect of tectonics to evolution of microcracks is analyzed by using the damage mechanics theory. These characteristics can be analogized to kilometer meters as the first effect of earthquake precursors. These studies may be helpful to interpret the foreshock or general foreshock in the moderate or short stage before strong earthquakes. The other physical precursors are second or third effect. The local density of microcracks increasing suddenly may be helpful to interpret the phenomenon that part precursor records appear catastrophic jump. The part out of nucleation where some microcracks heal and the density change reversibly may be helpful to interpret the phenomenon that some precursors records appear reverse change. The area difference of microcracks accumulation and evolution in different part of typical tectonics is studied. This difference may be helpful to interpret the characteristics (including the area) of earthquake preparation of different tectonics, and further to interpret the difference of the precursors between plate edge and intraplate. These differences may be introduced by the scholars with different points of view as to discuss about the existence of precursors before earthquakes. However, when the precursor records are studied, one must notice the geology background in different areas.
Keywords:earthquake source physics tectonics damage theory nucleation of microcracks earthquake precursors
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