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European Solar Telescope: Progress status
Authors:M. Collados,F. Bettonvil,L. Cavaller,I. Ermolli,B. Gelly,A. Pé  rez,H. Socas‐Navarro,D. Soltau,R. Volkmer,the EST team
In this paper, the present status of the development of the design of the European Solar Telescope is described. The telescope is devised to have the best possible angular resolution and polarimetric performance, maximizing the throughput of the whole system. To that aim, adaptive optics and multi‐conjugate adaptive optics are integrated in the optical path. The system will have the possibility to correct for the diurnal variation of the distance to the turbulence layers, by using several deformable mirrors, conjugated at different heights. The present optical design of the telescope distributes the optical elements along the optical path in such a way that the instrumental polarization induced by the telescope is minimized and independent of the solar elevation and azimuth. This property represents a large advantage for polarimetric measurements. The ensemble of instruments that are planned is also presented (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)
Keywords:instrumentation: adaptive optics  instrumentation: high angular resolution  instrumentation: interferometers  instrumentation: polarimeters  instrumentation: spectrographs  telescopes
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