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引用本文:胡明城. 空间大地测量的最新进展(三)[J]. 测绘科学, 2002, 27(1): 59-60,7
摘    要:4 卫星雷达测高的最新进展4.1 从GEOS-3到SEASAT-1卫星雷达测高是从卫星上安置的雷达测高仪垂直向海面发射电脉冲,并被海面垂直反射至卫星.由电脉冲在测高仪和海面之间往返的时间,即可推算卫星对于瞬时海面的高度ha.由于电波束发散成为圆锥状,ha实际上是以εha(ε是波束圆锥的开角)为半径的一个圆形波迹范围内的平均高度.若ε=1°,ha=500-1000km,则此半径约为10km.在上节所述的激光测高中,地面光迹的直径为70m.因此,激光测高的分辨率远远好于雷达测高.为了把雷达测高结果换算为卫星至大地水准面的距离,需要加入一系列改正.测高卫星的位置可由该星的精密轨道求得,由此可算出该卫星至所选定的平均地球椭球面的距离h(即大地高),于是大地水准面高N=h-ha.

关 键 词:空间大地测量 雷达 测高

Recent Advances in Global Positioning System(GPS)
HU Ming-cheng. Recent Advances in Global Positioning System(GPS)[J]. Science of Surveying and Mapping, 2002, 27(1): 59-60,7
Authors:HU Ming-cheng
Abstract:This paper deals with the recent advances in global positioning system(GPS). First of all,the principal error sources of GPS observations are analysed. Then the scientific applications of space based GPS are described,of which the TOPEX and Microlape missons are excellent examples of great success. With regard to the application of GPS to meterorology (GPS/MET),detailed description is given to earth based GPS/MET and space based GPS/MET,they stand at the front of recent advances in GPS.
Keywords:radio occultation technique  limb sounding  mapping function  kinematic GPS positioning  application of GPS to meteorology(GPS/MET)  earth based GPS/MET  space based GPS/MET  
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