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引用本文:关会梅,刘俊来,纪沫,赵胜金,胡玲,Gregory A.Davis. 辽宁南部万福变质核杂岩的发现及其区域构造意义[J]. 地学前缘, 2008, 15(3): 199-208
作者姓名:关会梅  刘俊来  纪沫  赵胜金  胡玲  Gregory A.Davis
作者单位:1. 中国地质大学,地质过程与矿产资源国家重点实验室,北京,100083
2. Department of Earth Sciences, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0740
摘    要:根据宏观与微观构造测量,结合白垩纪沉积盆地组成与结构、区域岩浆活动性及其测年资料等的综合分析,揭示出在辽宁南部辽南变质核杂岩东侧存在另一个变质核杂岩构造,即万福变质核杂岩。该核杂岩具有典型的三层结构:拆离断层带由不同层次构造岩构成,上盘为元古宇岩石,下盘是太古宇岩石和就位于其中的同构造花岗质侵入体。万福变质核杂岩形成于早白垩世,与辽南变质核杂岩构成一个变质核杂岩对,两者在很多方面具有相似性。该变质核杂岩对的厘定可能为阐明华北晚中生代岩石圈的力学和流变学属性以及岩石圈减薄过程提供了依据。

关 键 词:万福变质核杂岩  伸展构造  晚中生代  岩石圈减薄  辽南

Discovery of the Wanfu metamorphic core complex in southern Liaoning and its regional tectonic implication.
Guan Huimei,Liu Junlai,Ji Mo,Zhao Shengjin,Hu Ling,Gregory A.Davis. Discovery of the Wanfu metamorphic core complex in southern Liaoning and its regional tectonic implication.[J]. Earth Science Frontiers, 2008, 15(3): 199-208
Authors:Guan Huimei  Liu Junlai  Ji Mo  Zhao Shengjin  Hu Ling  Gregory A.Davis
Abstract:Macro- and micro-structural measurement combined with analysis of volcanic and sedimentary rocks in the Cretaceous basin, and dating data of regional magmatic rocks, reveal the existence of a new metamorphic core complex (mcc), i.e.the Wanfu mcc, in southern Liaoning Province, Liaodong Peninsula, China.The Wanfu mcc has a three-layer structure, which is composed of five parts, i.e., a detachment fault zone with different types of fault rocks, an allochthonous upper plate and a supradetachment basin above the fault zone, and highly metamorphosed rocks and synkinematic plutons in the lower plate.The stretching lineations indicate the uniform top-to-SEE shearing along the main detachment fault zone.The Wanfu mcc and Liaonan mcc form a mcc pair.They share many common features.The occurrence of the mcc pair and some suspected mcc to the east of Wanfu area provides evidences for understanding the mechanical and rheological behavior and thinning processes of the lithosphere in North China craton in the late Mesozoic.
Keywords:Wanfu metamorphic core complex   extensional structure   late Mesozoic   lithospheric thinning   southern Liaoning Province
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