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引用本文:徐小丽,高 峰,沈晓明,廖孟柯. 温度作用下岩石的热黏弹塑性模型研究[J]. 岩土力学, 2006, 27(Z2): 161-165
作者姓名:徐小丽  高 峰  沈晓明  廖孟柯
作者单位:中国矿业大学 理学院工程力学系, 徐州 221008
基金项目:973国家重点基础研究发展规划项目 “灾害环境下重大工程安全性的基础研究”(No. 2002CB412705资助)
摘    要:在西原体模型的基础上,通过引入弹簧的热膨胀系数,将温度效应引入到模型中,推导了单轴应力状态下微分形式的热粘塑性本构方程。通过蠕变曲线和卸载曲线的分析,考虑了温度效应的西原体模型当应力水平较低时为稳定蠕变,存在瞬时弹性、弹性后效和由温度引起的粘性流动;当应力水平较高时为不稳定蠕变,存在瞬时弹性、弹性后效和由温度和应力共同引起的粘性流动,该模型较全面地反映了岩石在温度作用下的蠕变性质。

关 键 词:岩石  热黏弹塑性  蠕变  卸载  

A study of thermo-visco-elasto-plastic model for rocks under temperature effects
XU Xiao-li,GAO Feng,SHEN Xiao-ming,LIAO Meng-ke. A study of thermo-visco-elasto-plastic model for rocks under temperature effects[J]. Rock and Soil Mechanics, 2006, 27(Z2): 161-165
Authors:XU Xiao-li  GAO Feng  SHEN Xiao-ming  LIAO Meng-ke
Affiliation:Department of Engineering Mechanics, School of Sciences, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221008, China
Abstract:The thermo-visco-elasto-plastic constitutive differential equation under uniaxial compression has been deduced based on Nishihara rheological model considering the spring’s coefficients of thermal expansion. Through analyzing the creep and unloading curves, the Nishihara rheological model considering the effect of temperatures is in a stable creep while the stress is low, which contains instantaneous elasticity, elastic aftereffect and viscosity flow caused by temperature. The model in a high stress level is an unstable creep, which also contains instantaneous elasticity, elastic aftereffect, but the viscosity flow is caused by the mutual action of temperature and stress. The creep properties of rocks subjected to changing temperatures can be comprehensively reflected using this model.
Keywords:rock  thermo-visco-elasto-plasticity  creep  unloading  
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