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Authors:GAO Ze-min  LIU Xing-wang  SHAO Yan-xiu  XIE Hong
Affiliation:1.Lanzhou Institute of Seismology, China Earthquake Administration, Lanzhou 730000, China;2.Lanzhou National Observatory of Geophysics, Lanzhou 730000, China
The Daqingshan Fault located in the northern margin of the Hetao Basin has experienced intensive activity since late Quaternary, which is of great significance to the molding of the present geomorphology. Since basin geomorphological factors can be used to reflect regional geomorphological type and development characteristics, the use of typical geomorphology characteristics indexes may reveal the main factors that control the formation of topography. In recent years, more successful research experience has been accumulated by using hypsometric integral(HI) values and channel steepness index(ksn)to quantitatively obtain geomorphic parameters to reveal regional tectonic uplift information. The rate of bedrock uplifting can be reflected by channel steepness index, the region with steep gradient has high rate of bedrock uplifting, while the region with slower slope has low rate of bedrock uplifting. The tectonic uplift can shape the geomorphic characteristics by changing the elevation fluctuation of mountains in study area, and then affect the hypsometric integral values distribution trend, thus, the HI value can be used to reflect the intensity of regional tectonic activity, with obvious indicating effect.Knick point can be formed by fault activity, and the information of knick point and its continuous migration to upstream can be recorded along the longitudinal profile of stream. Therefore, it is possible and feasible to obtain the information of tectonic activity from the geomorphic characteristics of Daqinshan area. The research on the quantitative analysis of regional large-scale tectonic activities in the Daqingshan area of the Yellow River in the Hetao Basin is still deficient so far. Taking this area as an example, based on the method of hypsometric integral(HI) and channel steepness index(ksn), we use the DEM data with 30m resolution and GIS spatial analysis technology to extract the networks of drainage system and seven sub-basins. Then, we calculate the hypsometric integral(HI) values of each sub-basin and fit its spatial distribution characteristics. Finally, we obtain the values of channel steepness index and its fitting spatial distribution characteristics based on the improved Chi-plot bedrock analysis method. Combining the extraction results of geomorphic parameters with the characteristics of fault activity, we attempt to explore the characteristics of drainage system development and the response of stream profile and geomorphology to tectonic activities in the Daqingshan section of the Yellow River Basin.The results show that the values of the hypsometric integral in the Daqingshan drainage area are medium, between 0.5~0.6, and the Strahler curve of each tributary is S-shaped, suggesting that the geomorphological development of the Daqingshan area is in its prime, and the tectonic activity and erosion is strong. Continuous low HI value is found in the tectonic subsidence area on the hanging wall of the Daqingshan Fault. The distribution characteristics of the HI value reveal that the Daqingshan Fault controls the geomorphic difference between basin and mountain. Longitudinal profiles of the river reveal the existence of many knick points. The steepness index of river distributes in high value along the trend of mountain which lies in the tectonic uplift area on the footwall of the Daqingshan Fault. It reflects that the bedrock uplift rate of Daqingshan area is faster. The distribution characteristics of the channel steepness index show that the uplift amplitude of Daqingshan area is strong and the bedrock is rapidly uplifted, which is significantly different from the subsidence amplitude in the depression basin at the south margin of the fault, indicating that the main power source controlling the basin mountain differential movement comes from Daqingshan Fault. Based on the comparison and analysis on tectonic, lithology and climate, there is no obvious corresponding relationship between the difference of rock erosion resistance and the change of geomorphic parameters, and the precipitation has little effect on the geomorphic transformation of Daqingshan area, and its contribution to the geomorphic development is limited. Thus, we think the lithology and rainfall conditions have limited impact on the hypsometric integral, longitudinal profiles of the river and channel steepness index. Lithology maybe has some influences on the channel knick points, while tectonic activity of piedmont faults is the main controlling factor that causes the unbalanced characteristics of the longitudinal profile of the channel and plays a crucial role in the development of the channel knick points. So, tectonic activity of the Daqingshan Fault is the main factor controlling the uplift and geomorphic evolution of the Daqingshan area.
Keywords:Hetao Basin  the Daqingshan Fault  hypsometric integral  channel steepness index  
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