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引用本文:宓泽锋,曾刚. 不同尺度下长江经济带物流联系格局、特征及影响因素研究[J]. 地理科学, 2018, 38(7): 1079-1088. DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2018.07.009
作者姓名:宓泽锋  曾刚
作者单位:华东师范大学中国现代城市研究中心/城市与区域科学学院, 上海 200062
摘    要:
借助从货运网站上抓取的2015年水路货运、公路货运、铁路货运、航空货运OD数据55 623条,基于物质流的视角,采用回归分析,对长江经济带物流联系现状及其影响因素进行了研究。研究发现:长江经济带货运网络总体上呈现东部发达、西部落后格局,阶梯状发展特征显著,上海龙头作用显著,省会城市地位突出。从影响因子来看,空间尺度越大,规律性越强。航空货运受地区间物流服务能力和基础设施差异的深刻影响,而水路货运主要受地区间转运能力差异影响、陆路货运受多种要素综合影响显著。为助推长江经济带综合立体交通走廊建设,建议东、中部地区注重发挥不同运输方式的协同作用,着力提升区域运输效率。对地形崎岖的西部地区而言,应合理开发和搭配水运和少数空运中心,改善交通区位。

关 键 词:长江经济带  物流联系  货运网络  转运能力  

Logistics Linkage Pattern,Characteristics and Influencing Factors of the Yangtze River Economic Belt Under Different Scales
Zefeng Mi,Gang Zeng. Logistics Linkage Pattern,Characteristics and Influencing Factors of the Yangtze River Economic Belt Under Different Scales[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2018, 38(7): 1079-1088. DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2018.07.009
Authors:Zefeng Mi  Gang Zeng
Affiliation:School of Urban and Regional Science, Center for Modern Chinese City Studies, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China
Typically speaking, logistics is an important way to the flow of basic elements, and its linkage specifically reflects the “flow space”. This article describes the logistics connection pattern of the Yangtze River economic belt, and quantitatively studies the influencing factors of logistics, obtaining 55 623 OD data of waterway freight, road freight, rail freight and air freight from the freight professional websites in 2015. Conclusions are as follows: 1) Airway freight is the most active in the western provinces, because it is less affected by underlying surface elements. While in the cross-regional linkage, the feature performed by the east-west linkages among big cities is extremely significant. The waterway freight network is the most developed in the eastern area (especially in Jiangsu), followed by the central region, and the western waterway freight network is still in the initial stage of low-intensity link. Compared with the first two freight network, the overall land freight network is well developed which has formed the pattern of the capital city as the network center. Moreover, the eastern region has begun to develop into multi-center network model. 2) Each mode of logistics linkage is affected by different factors. For example, airway freight is influenced by the difference of inter-regional logistics service capacity and infrastructure, which is more likely to make contact with the greater gap between the cities. Waterway freight is mainly affected by the difference of inter-regional transport capacity. The contact form of “Weak transport capacity of the city: strong transport capacity of the city” is extremely obvious. In general, land freight has the most obvious effect of all aspects, which is the result of comprehensive impact of the various elements. 3) In the provincial scale, it is not obvious of the influence from the various factors due to the distinct conditions of each province. Overall, the larger the scale, the stronger the regularity of the impact of the various aspects, the logistics will reflect.
Keywords:the Yangtze River Economic Belt  logistics linkage  freight network  transport capacity  
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