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引用本文:叶庆华,杨勤业,赵善伦. 我国环境生态形势研究的一种方法[J]. 地理研究, 2000, 19(4): 422-428
作者姓名:叶庆华  杨勤业  赵善伦
作者单位:中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京 100101;山东师范大学旅游地理系,济南 250014
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目!(49671 0 34)
摘    要:在分析国内外环境生态形势研究现状的基础上,结合我国的环境生态形势特征,综合自然、社会、经济因素,构建了评价我国环境生态形势的指标体系,建立各指标计算的数学模型,在地理信息系统和数据库管理系统支持下以全国县域为单元进行多因素综合性定量研究,采用指标权重的地域计算方法来反映区域差异,得出了全国各县的环境生态形势指标值,并绘制出我国环境生态形势图。

关 键 词:环境生态形势  环境形势  空间分异

An approach to the Eco environmental Situation in China
YE Qing-hua,YANG Qin-ye,ZHAO Shan-lun. An approach to the Eco environmental Situation in China[J]. Geographical Research, 2000, 19(4): 422-428
Authors:YE Qing-hua  YANG Qin-ye  ZHAO Shan-lun
Affiliation:1. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China;2. Department of Geography, Shandong Normal University, Ji'nan 250014, China
Abstract:Based on the latest research of present Eco environmental Situation at home and abroad and analysis of the characteristics of Environmental Situation in China with the principle of index selection, a set of indices on the Eco environmental Situation in China has been identified. Then 14 county unit databases are set up, including two types: 2 spatial databases and 12 attribute databases. And the mathematical models for each index has been developed. With the powerful systematic analytical tool, GIS, and database management system, this paper classifies each index into five degrees and integrates them into a map according to their respective rights by county unit, which is the distribution of the Eco environmental Situation in China. Finally this paper analyses the distribution of Eco environmental Situation in China, draws compellent conclusions on this methods and discusses some details. Some items that need to be improved afterwards are put forward.
Keywords:Eco environmental Situation  Environmental Situation  spatial distribution  Geographical Information System (GI
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