Abstract: | The Qinghai—Xizang (Tibet) Plateau was assembled by the successive accretion of continental and arc terranes to Asia during the Palaeozoic, Mesozoic and early Tertiary. From north to south, the Plateau was divided into four terranes (from north to south): Songpan|Garze, Qingtang, Lhasa and India terranes. The Qiangtang terrane was divided into two parts by Chabu|Shuanghu suture: Northern Qiangtang and Southern Qiangtang blocks. It was believed that there is a suture as Palaeotethyan suture between the two blocks from Lungmu lake to Chabu, to Shuanghu, to Langcangjiang, but some geologists opposited this opinion, such as Wang Chengshan et al.(1987) and Deng Wanming et al.(1996). The blueschists that bear the typical glaucophane were found in the Gangmar Area in summer of 1997. The blueschists consist of glaucophane, crossite, phengite, actinolite, epidote, sphene ,rutile, and so on. Blueschists show nappe structures in enclosing rocks, and thrust over Tertiary from north to south.The age of blueschist is 275~285Ma which stand for the metamorphic age of blueschist. The geochemical contents of blueschists are the following: SiO-2 is 45 37%~53 82%, Na 2O>K 2O, K 2O+Na 2O are 3 72%~7 61%, Na 2O/K 2O is 1 70~19 67, MnO is 0 16%~0 22%, FeO+Fe 2O 3 are 11 12%~14 27%, TiO 2 is 2 34%~4 28%, P 2O 5 is 0 34%~1 03%. From the contents, SiO 2 is inverse relation with K 2O+Na 2O, K 2O and FeO+Fe 2O 3. In the SiO 2|K 2O+Na 2O diagram, the blueschists fall in the field of Alkali basalt; in the TiO 2|MnO(10|P 2O 5×10 triangular diagram, these plot within the Ocean Island Basalts(OIB) field. The whole REE content is (117 03~390 97)×10 -6 , LREE/HREE is 5 05~9 80, the REE diagram shows the feature that LREE is rich and HREE is depleted, this is similar to the OIB. In the spidergram of trace elements show the same characterristics as the OIB. Meanwhile, the trace elements ratios, such as Ba/Nb, La/Nb, Nb/Th, Nb/Y, Zr/Y, Zr/Nb, Hf/Sm, Ta/Hf, Nb/Ta, Nb/U, suggest the tectonic setting is OIB. On the basis of these materials, the blueschists are akin to within|plate ocean island basalts. This shows that there is a ocean or oceanic basin in the Chabu|Shuanghu belts and the formation of blueschists is the quicky subduction of the Ocean Island Basalts in Early Permian between the Gondwana and Eurasia continents. It demonstrated, therefore, that the Chabu|Suanghu suture exists and may extend to the east to Lnagchangjiang, and may extend into Thailand|Malaysia Peninsula. |