Abstract: | Non‐linear soil–structure interactions are usually analysed using an incremental finite element approach. There a constitutive subroutine provides for each element the stress increment for a given strain increment. In geotechnical calculations, uncertainties in material parameters and initial conditions are abundant. Sensitivity analysis can be a first step to account for such uncertainties. Sensitivities of the system response with respect to material parameters and initial conditions can be calculated by differentiating the whole numerical scheme. It turns out that the essential information from the constitutive subroutine are the derivatives of the stress increment with respect to the strain increment, as well as the derivatives with respect to material parameters and all state variables involved in the problem. We propose a method to compute these quantities numerically for any constitutive model that can be written in rate form and for any suitable integrator of such a model. We further present a concise way to supply the output of the sensitivity analysis to the designing engineer. Our theoretical investigations are illustrated with element tests and with a typical geotechnical application. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. |