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引用本文:陈郑辉,王登红,盛继福,应立娟,梁婷,王成辉,刘丽君,王永磊. 中国锡矿成矿规律概要[J]. 地质学报, 2015, 89(6): 1026-1037
作者姓名:陈郑辉  王登红  盛继福  应立娟  梁婷  王成辉  刘丽君  王永磊
摘    要:我国锡矿资源丰富,矿床类型比较齐全。在锡矿资源储量中占有较大比重的主要是锡石—硫化物型、矽卡岩型和石英脉型;从开采和利用角度来说,最为重要的是锡石—硫化物型和石英脉型。锡石—硫化物型主要集中在桂北、滇东等地,矽卡岩型集中分布在南岭中段湘南等矿集区、石英脉型则主要集中在华南地区的闽西、赣中、粤北、湘南等地;成矿时代以中生代最为重要;成矿大地构造背景以造山运动之后的大陆环境为主,构造变动剧烈,深大断裂纵横交错,岩浆活动频繁,特别是与锡成矿作用关系密切的中生代花岗岩类非常发育,最具特色。本次在对全国873处锡矿矿产地资料进行系统梳理的基础上,深入总结了全国锡矿的成矿规律,厘定出20个以锡为主或锡较为重要的矿床成矿系列,认为锡石—硫化物型、矽卡岩(—云英岩型)、石英脉型和岩体型4类锡矿类型,应该作为重点预测类型,并划分出44个成锡带,提出了19个重要工作部署区,并编制了中国成锡带图、中国锡矿成矿规律图等系列图件,为潜力评价预测工作提供了理论依据。

关 键 词:锡矿;锡矿类型;成矿期;成锡带;成矿规律

The Metallogenic Regularity of Tin Deposits in China
CHEN Zhenghui,WANG Denghong,SHENG Jifu,YING Lijuan,LIANG Ting,WANG Chenghui,LIU Lijun and WANG Yonglei. The Metallogenic Regularity of Tin Deposits in China[J]. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2015, 89(6): 1026-1037
Authors:CHEN Zhenghui  WANG Denghong  SHENG Jifu  YING Lijuan  LIANG Ting  WANG Chenghui  LIU Lijun  WANG Yonglei
Abstract:China has rich tin resources and relatively complete types of tin deposits. In tin resources and reserves,cassiterite sulfide type, skarn type and quartz vein type have a larger proportion. From the view of perspective of exploitation and utilization, the most important types are cassiterite sulfide type and quartz vein type. The distribution of cassiterite sulfide type mainly concentrates in northern Guangxi province and eastern Yunnan province, skarn type mainly in the ore concentration area in southern Hunan province of the middle of Nanlin Region, quartz vein type mainly in southern China. The background of minerogenetic geotectonic in the continental environment after orogeny processes, with the strong tectonic change, interlaced deep fracture, frequent magmatism, and the most distinctive feature is well developed Mesozoic granites, which has close relationship with tin mineralization. Based on the systemic research of the data from 873 tin deposits around China. This paper summarized the metallogenic regularity of tin deposits, classified 20 important metallogenic series of tin or tin associated deposits, and pointed that the cassiterite sulfide type, skarn type, quartz vein type and greisen type are the main prediction type of tin resources. Forty four tin mineralization belts were plotted out, among which 19 belts to be the most important. The result of this study will provide theoretical bases for potential estimation and prediction of tin mineral resources.
Keywords:type of tin deposits   tin ore forming epoch   tin mineralization belt   metallogenic regularity
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