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Redistriution of Major Elements in the Alteration of Some Basic Lavas during Burial Metamorphism
Authors:SMITH   R. E.
Affiliation:Department of Geology, University of Sydney Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
An Ordovician geanticlinal marine sequence is exposed in theCentral West of New South Wales, Australia. The sequence containingbasic lavas, labile sedimentary, and proclastic rocks, has undergoneextensive adjustment during regional burial metamorphism. Thebasic lavas have a patchy coloration due to the formation ofalternation minerals of the prehnite-pumpellyite facies whichapperar to have formed during the metamorphism. The hererogeneousappearance of the basic lavas reflects a pronouced chemicaland mineralogical departure from the original composition. Twodiverging trends result. One leads to the production of a Ca-enrichedlithology, the other, which by far dominates in area at eachouterop, leads to a ‘spilitic’ lithology. The alterationdomains in many cases cross–cut all primary textural featureand their chemical variation does not correspond to likely variationsin the original lava composition.
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