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Lineages and Fractionation Trends in Undersaturated Volcanic Rocks from the East Otago Volcanic Province (New Zealand) and Related Rocks
Authors:COOMBS, D. S.   WILKINSON, J. F. G.
Affiliation:Department of Geology, University of Otago New Zealand
Department of Geology, University of New England Armidole, New South Wales
The petrology of the East Otago Volcanic Province (late Miocene),including the Dunedin Complex, is dominated by undersaturatedsodic lavas and shallow intmsives whose compositions range fromalkali basalt, basanite, and nephelinite to trachyte and phonolite.A range of relatively potassic volcanic rocks is also developedin the Province. The degree of undersaturation and ratios suchas (FeO+Fe2O3):MgO and K2O:Na2O vary widely in rocks with comparabledifferentiation indices. Chemical and mineralogical data onwhole rock-glass pairs and variants of shallow intrusives inthe Province, assessed in conjunction with similar data fromother volcanic provinces, demonstrate the production of trachyticliquids from alkali basaltic parents and of phonolitic liquidsfrom basanitic parents. Fractionation trends in both sodic andpotassic series, defined by variation in differentiation indexand normative nepheline, indicate that the degree of undersaturationof the derivative salic liquids is dependent on that of theparent; the slope of the fractionation trend lines is influencedby additional factors, including Po2. The unequivocal productionof phonolite from trachyte in the East Otago Province has notbeen demonstrated. The mafic variants of theralites from Waihola and a basanite-pegmatoidassociation from Omimi are similar in composition, but the mostsalic differentiates from these differentiation sequences displaypronounced differences in their KO:Na2O ratios, tending towardsleuco-theralitic (cf. lugarite) and malignitic compositionsrespectively. A multicomponent spectrum of fractionation lineages is suggestedfor individual differentiated bodies and for lava series. Sodiclineages include: (I) alkali basalt–hawaiite–mugearite–benmoreite–trachyte;(2) a more undersaturated series from basanite through nephelinehawaiite, nepheline mugearite, and nepheline benmoreite, tophonolite; (3) a nephelinite series, more restricted in compositionalrange. The relatively high Fe: Mg ratios characterizing themugearitic variants are sometimes exhibited by members of themore potassic series in which, however, Fe:Mg ratios tend tobe characteristically lower. This feature is correlated withthe frequent occurrence of kaersutitic amphibole or its resorptionproducts, indicative of intratelluric fractionation under relativelyhydrous conditions and probably relatively high Po2. Certainnepheline trachyandesites from East Otago are described in detail.Trachy-basalt-trachyandesite-tristanite-trachyte and sanidinebasanite-nepheline trachyandesite-nepheline tristanite-phonolitelineages are also proposed, and the nomenclature of these moreseries discussed.
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