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引用本文:杜兰,刘泽军,周佩元,方善传,刘利,马高峰. 无旋转倾角的NAV/CNAV型GEO广播星历拟合[J]. 测绘学报, 2017, 46(3): 297-306. DOI: 10.11947/j.AGCS.2017.20160393
作者姓名:杜兰  刘泽军  周佩元  方善传  刘利  马高峰
作者单位:1. 信息工程大学导航与空天目标工程学院, 河南 郑州 450001;2. 北京环球信息应用开发中心, 北京 100094;3. 信息工程大学地理空间信息学院, 河南 郑州 450001
摘    要:目前北斗GEO的星历拟合算法和用户卫星位置算法均引进了人为设置的5°倾角旋转,此外,少数星历参数还有超限现象。取消GEO的旋转倾角和抑制参数超限能够统一北斗混合星座的用户算法。基于第一类无奇点根数,分析了无旋转倾角的GEO两步法星历参数拟合算法。讨论了GEO的参数超限原因,提出采用固定1至2个超限参数取值的缩减参数拟合法。北斗GEO卫星在非地影期和地影期的拟合试验表明,拟合成功率和拟合精度能够保证,拟合用户距离误差(URE)的平均值优于3mm;缩减参数拟合法能够抑制特定时段下的参数超限问题,但是拟合URE放大到2cm。

关 键 词:GEO卫星  广播星历参数  无奇点根数  摄动  用户距离误差  

GEO NAV/CNAV-type Broadcast Ephemeris Fitting without Rotation of Inclination
DU Lan,LIU Zejun,ZHOU Peiyuan,FANG Shanchuan,LIU Li,MA Gaofeng. GEO NAV/CNAV-type Broadcast Ephemeris Fitting without Rotation of Inclination[J]. Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica, 2017, 46(3): 297-306. DOI: 10.11947/j.AGCS.2017.20160393
Authors:DU Lan  LIU Zejun  ZHOU Peiyuan  FANG Shanchuan  LIU Li  MA Gaofeng
Affiliation:1. College of Navigation & Aerospace Engineering, Information Engineering University, Zhengzhou 450001, China;2. Beijing Global Information Application and Development Center, Beijing 100094, China;3. Institute of Surveying and Mapping, Information Engineering University, Zhengzhou 450001, China
Abstract:The GPS-type broadcast ephemerides are currently used by BDS constellation.However, a 5°-rotation added on the original orbital inclination is needed in the GEOs ephemeris parameters fitting algorithm as well as in the user satellite position computation because of the singularity due to small inclination.Besides, the phenomena of exceeding the given boundary happen occasionally for some ephemeris parameters of GEOs.In order to unify the user ephemerides algorithm for the hybrid constellation, a two-step GEO broadcast ephemerides fitting algorithm was analyzed based on the first class nonsingular orbital elements.After the investigation on the reason for the variations of some ephemeris parameters out of limited range, a reduced fitting parameter set was adopted by giving the underlying one or two parameters with fixed values.Fit simulations for 5 GEOs during both eclipsing and non-eclipsing periods show that the two-step fitting algorithm has considerable robustness to ensure the success rate and fitting accuracy.The mean fitting user range error of GEOs with 2h for NAV and 3h data set for CNAV are better than 3mm.For specific fit arcs with the boundary-exceeding problem, it can be fully avoided by using the fitting algorithm with a reduced fitting parameter set.However, the fitting URE will increase to 2cm.
Keywords:GEO satellites  broadcast ephemeris parameters  nonsingular orbital elements  perturbation  user range error
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