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引用本文:翁永玲,宫鹏. 土壤盐渍化遥感应用研究进展[J]. 地理科学, 2006, 26(3): 369-375
作者姓名:翁永玲  宫鹏
作者单位:南京大学国际地球系统科学研究所,江苏,南京,210093;东南大学交通学院测绘工程系,江苏,南京,210096;南京大学国际地球系统科学研究所,江苏,南京,210093;中国科学院遥感应用研究所及北京师范大学遥感科学国家重点实验室,北京,100101;Department of Environment Science,Policy and Management,University of California,Berkeley,USA
摘    要:文章从地面数据的调查、盐渍土影象的目视判读特征、光谱特征和土壤盐渍化区域的植被特征以及多光谱、高光谱遥感技术等方面综述国内外应用遥感数据探测土壤盐渍化程度及其制图的研究。利用数字图象并结合野外调查数据进行目视解译和计算机自动解译、图象变换提取盐渍土信息;结合G IS方法在分类中加入非遥感数据来提高分类精度;在研究盐渍土的光谱特征的基础上应用高光谱技术定量或半定量地提取盐渍土信息。这都是制定综合治理措施、决定土地利用方向的关键,也是进行区域土壤盐渍化动态预报的重要依据。

关 键 词:土壤盐渍化  地面数据  遥感  高光谱

A Review on Remote Sensing Technique for Salt-Affected Soils
WENG Yong-Ling,GONG Peng. A Review on Remote Sensing Technique for Salt-Affected Soils[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2006, 26(3): 369-375
Authors:WENG Yong-Ling  GONG Peng
Affiliation:1. International Institute for Earth System Science, Nanjing University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210093; 2. Department of Surveying and Mapping Engineering, College of Transportation, Southeast University, Nanfing , Jiangsu 210096 ; 3. State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science, Jointly Sponsored by the Institute of Remote Sensing Applications of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100101 ; 4. Department of Environment Science, Policy and Management, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Abstract:Soil salinity is one of the major problems that affect crop growth and yield,and often lead to degradation of cultivated land.Recent advance in mapping and monitoring salt-affected soils by means of remote sensing has shown that this technology holds great promise in generating accurate results at enhanced speed and reduced cost.This paper first summarizes the role of ground data in detecting salt-affected soils,such as electrical conductivity of soils,underground water table,degree of mineralization,field-derived spectra of saline soils,and vegetation.In situ collected and laboratory data are very important in mapping and detecting salinity based on remote sensing technique.This paper then discusses the spectral properties of salt-affected soils,visual interpretation of saline features from remote sensing images,and use of vegetation as an indirect indicator.Key issues in and approaches of identification and mapping of salt-affected areas based on remote sensing technique are reviewed next.This review reveals that a multiplicity of remotely sensed data has been employed widely to investigate,identify,and monitor the surface salinity status of soils and its spatial distribution.The obtained results have demonstrated the value of spectral reflectance data for the calibration of remotely sensed data,ascertained the optimal bands in detecting salt-affected soils using spectra unmixing,established training range selection and mapping methods based on hyperspectral data for the validation of the quantitative information extracted from satellite data.These studies have used digital image interpretation,image transformation,hyperspectroscopy techniques in combination with GIS in order to map the distribution of salt-affected soils.Some studies have shown that hyperspectral remote sensing data have been applied to study soil salinity at an increasing pace.This technology carries great promise in producing more detailed and accurate soil salt information.
Keywords:soil salinity  field data  remote sensing  hyperspectrum  detecting
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