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引用本文:张娟, 杨玉璋, 张义中, 程至杰, 张钟云, 张居中. 安徽蚌埠钓鱼台遗址炭化植物遗存研究[J]. 第四纪研究, 2018, 38(2): 393-405. doi: 10.11928/j.issn.1001-7410.2018.02.11
作者姓名:张娟  杨玉璋  张义中  程至杰  张钟云  张居中
作者单位:1. 中国科学技术大学科技史与科技考古系, 安徽 合肥 230026; 2. 安徽省文物考古研究所, 安徽 合肥 230061
摘    要:通过对安徽蚌埠钓鱼台遗址2014~2015年度考古发掘采集土样的浮选分析,获取了该遗址龙山时代晚期及西周春秋时期丰富的炭化植物遗存,其中炭化植物种子主要包括水稻(Oryza sativa)、粟(Setaria italica)、黍(Panicum miliaceum)、小麦(Triticum aestivum)和大豆(Glycine max)5种农作物以及其他禾本科(Gramineae)、莎草科(Cyperaceae)、酸模属(Rumex)等植物种子,此外还发现了少量来自栎属(Quercus)、菱属(Trapa)和枣属(Ziziphus)等植物的硬果核壳。实验结果显示,该遗址龙山时代晚期农作物有水稻和粟两种,并可能开始种植大豆。量化统计结果表明,水稻是遗址最主要的农作物,粟的比重相对较低;西周至春秋时期的农作物除水稻和粟外,还发现了小麦、大豆和黍,从而形成新的"五谷俱全"的作物结构,其中水稻仍然是最主要的农作物,但小麦异军突起,其地位仅次于水稻,粟类作物和大豆处于从属地位。综合分析本地区同时期其他遗址的植物考古研究结果,可以发现该地区龙山时代晚期和西周春秋时期,淮河干流南北的农业结构有明显差异,淮河以北的黄淮平原上水稻与旱地作物在农业结构中的比例相近,而在淮河以南地区,水稻占据明显的优势。同时,不同纬度位置考古遗址的农作物结构变化也存在一定的规律性,表现为水稻的比重自纬度较高的皖北地区到纬度较低的淮河以南不断上升,而粟、黍和小麦这些作物的比重则逐渐下降,这一现象应与不同纬度地区水热条件不同直接相关。此外,从该地区目前发现的小麦遗存来看,龙山时代晚期,小麦已在鲁南山地以南的山前地带分布,至岳石文化时期,传播至黄淮平原北部,且最迟不晚于西周早中期,小麦的分布已跨过淮河干流,传播至江淮地区。

关 键 词:钓鱼台遗址   龙山时代晚期   西周至春秋时期   炭化植物遗存   稻-旱兼作农业

Research on the charred plant remains from the Diaoyutai site in Bengbu City,Anhui Province
Zhang Juan, Yang Yuzhang, Zhang Yizhong, Cheng Zhijie, Zhang Zhongyun, Zhang Juzhong. Research on the charred plant remains from the Diaoyutai site in Bengbu City, Anhui Province[J]. Quaternary Sciences, 2018, 38(2): 393-405. doi: 10.11928/j.issn.1001-7410.2018.02.11
Authors:Zhang Juan  Yang Yuzhang  Zhang Yizhong  Cheng Zhijie  Zhang Zhongyun  Zhang Juzhong
Affiliation:1. Department for the History of Science and Scientific Archaeology, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, Anhui; 2. Anhui Provincial Institute of Archaeology and Cultural Relics, Hefei 230061, Anhui
Abstract:Diaoyutai site(32°54'N, 117°20'E), located in the south of the Huaihe River, central-Anhui Province, Eastern China, was excavated from June, 2014 to January, 2015. This site consisting of 4 platforms with a total area of more than 10000 m2 contains different cultural remains dated to Late Longshan Period, Western Zhou and the Spring and Autumn Period, respectively. A total of 112 soil samples were collected for flotation work from ash pits, cultural layers, house ruins and so on. Systematic flotation work at Diaoyutai site discovered abundant charred plant remains which included 312.59 g of charred wood pieces, 21 pieces of nut shells, and 1646 plant seeds. Nut shells included Quercus, Trapa, Ziziphus, Armeniaca mume Sieb., Amygdalus, and so on. Plant seeds were dominant findings of the floatation work which included five crops and some weedy seeds like Gramineae, Cyperaceae and Leguminosae. The five crops were rice(Oryza sativa), foxtail millet(Setaria italica), broomcorn millet(Panicum miliaceum), wheat(Triticum aestivum)and soybean(Glycine max). In addition, some plants such as Amaranthus, Rumex, Chenopodiaceae and Portulacaceae might have been used as vegetables.
Keywords:Diaoyutai site  Late Longshan Period  Western Zhou and the Spring and Autumn Period  charred plant remains  mixed farming of rice and millets
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