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引用本文:郑刚,刘庆晨,邓旭,张立明. 基坑开挖对下卧运营地铁既有箱体影响的实测及分析[J]. 岩土力学, 2012, 33(4): 1109-1116
作者姓名:郑刚  刘庆晨  邓旭  张立明
作者单位:1. 天津大学 滨海土木工程结构与安全教育部重点实验室,天津 300072;2. 天津大学 建筑工程学院,天津 300072
摘    要:天津西站交通枢纽西青道下沉隧道工程上跨于已运营天津地铁1号线区间既有箱体,其上跨段隧道底板距既有箱体顶板仅0.3 m,需对其可能引起的既有隧道变形进行严格控制。设计中对运营线路有针对性地提出地基加固、分段开挖、及时堆载回压等施工方案及措施。通过对西青道下沉隧道下邻近既有地铁隧道的抗浮桩、三轴水泥搅拌桩施工和基坑开挖阶段的监测数据进行分析,研究了不同施工阶段的地铁箱体及轨道变形规律及特点。实测结果表明,在邻近既有地铁隧道处施工钻孔灌注桩可引起既有隧道下沉,基坑开挖可引起既有隧道上浮。分块开挖、分段压载并结合信息化施工可有效控制因开挖卸荷引起的既有隧道竖向位移及隧道箱体之间的差异变形。

关 键 词:运营地铁线路  基坑开挖  地基加固  堆载回压  变形控制  

Field measurement and analysis of effect of excavation on existing tunnel boxes of underlying metro tunnel in operating
ZHENG Gang , LIU Qing-chen , DENG Xu , ZHANG Li-ming. Field measurement and analysis of effect of excavation on existing tunnel boxes of underlying metro tunnel in operating[J]. Rock and Soil Mechanics, 2012, 33(4): 1109-1116
Authors:ZHENG Gang    LIU Qing-chen    DENG Xu    ZHANG Li-ming
Affiliation:1. Key Laboratory of Coast Civil Structure Safety of Ministry of Education, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China; 2. School of Civil Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China
Abstract:The Xiqing Road Tunnel of Tianjin West Railway Station Hub crosses over the existing tunnel boxes of the operating Tianjin Metro Line 1.The bottom plate of the Xiqing Road Tunnel is just 0.3 m away from the upper plate of the existing tunnel boxes,so the deformation of existing metro tunnel due to construction should be controlled strictly.The design bring forward some pertinence construction plans and measures,including ground improvement,excavation in sections and back pressure of heaped load timely.Base on the analysis of monitoring data during the construction and excavation of anti-floating piles and triaxial cement mixing pile of Xiqing Road Tunnel adjacent to the existing metro tunnel,and the corresponding deformation rules and characteristics in the different stages are summarized.The measured results show that the construction of bored piles adjacent to the existing metro tunnel could lead to the tunnel settlement,while the excavation could cause the heave of the tunnel.Due to excavation in sections,Back pressure of heaped load as well as the observational method,the vertical deformation of existing tunnel caused by excavation and the different deformation between the two adjacent boxes can be controlled effectively.
Keywords:operating metro line  excavation  ground improvement  back pressure of heaped load  deformation control
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