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Density,porosity, and magnetic susceptibility of carbonaceous chondrites
Authors:Robert J. MACKE  Guy J. CONSOLMAGNO  Daniel T. BRITT
Affiliation:1. Department of Physics, University of Central Florida, 4000 Central Florida Blvd., Orlando, Florida 32816, USA;2. Specola Vaticana, V‐00120 Vatican City State
Abstract:Abstract– We report physical properties (bulk and grain density, magnetic susceptibility, and porosity) measured using nondestructive and noncontaminating methods for 195 stones from 63 carbonaceous chondrites. Grain densities over the whole population average 3.44 g cm?3, ranging from 2.42 g cm?3 (CI1 Orgueil) to 5.66 g cm?3 (CB Bencubbin). Magnetic susceptibilities (in log units of 10?9 m3 kg?1) averaged log χ = 4.22, ranging from 3.23 (CV3 Axtell) to 5.79 (CB Bencubbin). Porosities averaged 17%, ranging from 0 (for a number of meteorites) to 41% (for one stone of the CO Ornans). Notably, we found significant differences in porosity between the oxidized and reduced CV subgroups, with the porosities of CVo averaging approximately 20% and CVr porosities approximately 4%. Overall, porosities of carbonaceous chondrite falls trend with petrographic type, from type 1 (CI) near 35%, type 2 (CM, CR) averaging 23%, type 3 (CV, CO) 21%, to type 4 (CK and some CO) averaging 15%. There is also a significant decrease in porosity between meteorites of shock stage S1 and those of S2, indicative of shock compression.
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