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引用本文:周波,周楠茵. 遥感在沙尘暴监测领域中的应用[J]. 测绘与空间地理信息, 2017, 0(6): 103-105. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-5867.2017.06.034
作者姓名:周波  周楠茵
作者单位:1. 国家测绘地理信息局第二大地测量队,黑龙江哈尔滨,150025;2. 东海航海保障中心上海海事测绘中心,上海,200090
摘    要:沙尘是全球气溶胶系统的主要特征之一,其对地表辐射收支平衡具有显著影响。在过去的几年中,卫星遥感技术已被广泛应用于空气质量监测。本文整理了不同传感器在该领域中的应用,并分析提出了新的理论和方法。文中提供了一份国内外对雾霾监测研究的简要概述,并有针对性地评估了各种方法和经典指数。最后提出一些观点和建议,希望提高遥感在探测全球沙尘暴事件中所起到的作用。

关 键 词:尘埃  卫星遥感  动态监测  MODIS  AVHRR  TOMS

The Application of Remote Sensing in Dust Storm Detection
ZHOU Bo,ZHOU Nan-yin. The Application of Remote Sensing in Dust Storm Detection[J]. Geomatics & Spatial Information Technology, 2017, 0(6): 103-105. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-5867.2017.06.034
Authors:ZHOU Bo  ZHOU Nan-yin
Abstract:Dust is a dominant feature of global aerosol system which has a significant effect on the atmospheric radiation budget be cause of a large emission amount.During the last decade,satellite remote sensing has been used on air quality monitoring.This paper reviews the different sensors that have been used in the past years as well as new theories emerged and approaches proposed.It provides a brief overview of previous researches on dust storms detection and critically evaluates the various methods and indexes.Finally,some suggestions are given to strengthen the application of remote sensing in the field of detecting dust events.
Keywords:sand and dust storms  remote sensing  dynamic monitoring  MODIS  AVHRR  TOMS
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