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引用本文:周著华 白洁 刘健文 纪飞 齐琳琳 李玮. MODIS多光谱云相态识别技术的应用研究[J]. 应用气象学报, 2005, 16(5): 678-684
作者姓名:周著华 白洁 刘健文 纪飞 齐琳琳 李玮
作者单位:1.空军装备研究院航空气象防化研究所, 北京100085
摘    要:
介绍了卫星多光谱云相态识别的基本原理, 并给出了EOS/ MODIS云相态识别的流程。针对简单和复杂云场, 利用个例并结合无线电探空资料与MODI S三通道合成图肯定了多光谱云相态识别的合理性和实际效果。文中对几个特定天气系统(西南涡旋和西太平洋台风)下大面积云场相态分析的结果表明:多光谱云相态识别技术有一定应用价值, 且需要引入可见光技术来减少红外谱段对多层云覆盖和薄卷云的相态分析误差。

关 键 词:云相态   三光谱   MODIS

The Application of Cloud Phase Recognition by MODIS Spectral Data
Zhou Zhuhu,Bai Jie,Liu Jianwen,Ji Fei,Qi LinLin,Li Wei. The Application of Cloud Phase Recognition by MODIS Spectral Data[J]. Journal of Applied Meteorological Science, 2005, 16(5): 678-684
Authors:Zhou Zhuhu  Bai Jie  Liu Jianwen  Ji Fei  Qi LinLin  Li Wei
Affiliation:1.Institute of Aeronautical Meteorology, Air Force Academy of Equipment, Beijing1000852.Institute of Meteorology, PLA University of Science and Technology, Nanjing211101
The basic principle of MODIS multispectral cloud phase recognition is introduced,with the algorithm for cloud phase recognition investigated.Radiosonde observations and MODIS tri-channel composite images are used in the paper to show the rationality and the effect of cloud phase recognition in cases.The analysis of large cloud scenes in some special weather background indicates that the technique of multispectral cloud phase retrieval is quite steady to be applied in practice and some visible techniques should be imported to reduce the error which is unavoidable in the analysis of multilayer mask and thin cirrus with infrared technique.
Keywords:Cloud Phase Trispectral MODIS
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