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V348 Puppis: a new SW Sex star in the period gap
Authors:P. Rodrí  guez-Gil,I.G. Martí  nez-Pais,J. Casares,M. Villada,L. van Zyl
Affiliation:1Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, Vía Láctea, s/n. La Laguna, E-38200, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain;2Departamento de Astrofísica, Universidad de La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain;3Observatorio Astronómico de Córdoba, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Córdoba, Argentina;4Department of Astrophysics, Nuclear and Astrophysics Laboratory, Keble Road, Oxford OX1 3RH
Abstract:We present time-resolved optical spectroscopy and photometry of the nova-like cataclysmic variable V348 Puppis. The system displays the same spectroscopic behaviour as SW Sex stars, so we classify V348 Pup as a new member of the class. V348 Pup is the second SW Sex system (the first is V795 Herculis) which lies in the period gap. The spectra exhibit enhanced He  ii λ 4686 emission, reminiscent of magnetic cataclysmic variables. The study of this emission line gives a primary velocity semi-amplitude of     . We have also derived the system parameters, obtaining:     ,         ,     and     . The spectroscopic behaviour of V348 Pup is very similar to that of V795 Her, with the exception that V348 Pup shows deep eclipses. We have computed the '0.5-absorption' spectrum of both systems, obtaining spectra that resemble the absorption spectrum of a B0 V star. We propose that absorption in SW Sex systems can be produced by a vertically extended atmosphere which forms where the gas stream re-impacts the system, either at the accretion disc or at the magnetosphere of the white dwarf (assuming a magnetic scenario).
Keywords:accretion, accretion discs    binaries: close    binaries: eclipsing    stars: individual: V348 Pup    novae, cataclysmic variables
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