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Determination of proper motions for AC stars: First results
Authors:A. A. Volchkov,A. V. Kuzmin,V. V. Nesterov,U. Bastian,S. Rö  ser
Proper motions of the stars of the Astrographic Catalogue are being derived, using the Hubble Space Telecope Guide Star Catalogue as second epoch. Results on the San Fernando and Cordoba AC zones are presented. Identification with GSC stars (i.e. determination of proper motion) was successful for 97 percent of all AC stars. Comparison of the proper motions thus derived with those of Preliminary PPM South shows that the accuracy is about 0.8 to 0.9 arcsec per century. Thus we can derive proper motions for about 4 million stars, with an accuracy higher than that of the SAO Catalogue.
Keywords:astrometry  proper motions  Astrographic Catalogue
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