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引用本文:李欣华,杨兆萍,刘旭玲. 历史文化名村的旅游保护与开发模式研究--以吐鲁番吐峪沟麻扎村为例[J]. 干旱区地理, 2006, 29(2): 301-306
作者姓名:李欣华  杨兆萍  刘旭玲
摘    要:古村落作为一种历史文化蕴含丰富的特殊旅游地正日益受到关注,古村落旅游也成为旅游的热点;国家从保护、继承和发展历史文化遗产、弘扬民族传统和地方特色、发展旅游的角度出台了古村落中的精品———历史文化名村的相关规定。以相关概念和古村落旅游进展为基础,探讨国家历史文化名村吐鲁番地区吐峪沟乡麻扎村的旅游保护与开发:以资源评价和旅游定位为前提,结合麻扎村实际提出双村模式旅游保护设想和体验性旅游开发模式。旨在探讨历史文化名村在古村落旅游开发中保护与开发的双赢,同时为我国西部古村落旅游开发提供参考。

关 键 词:古村落旅游  历史文化名村  麻扎村  保护与开发  体验性旅游

Ancient village tourism In Xinjiang--A case study on Tuyuk village in Turpan
LI Xin-hua,YANG Zhao-ping,LIU Xu-Ling. Ancient village tourism In Xinjiang--A case study on Tuyuk village in Turpan[J]. Arid Land Geography, 2006, 29(2): 301-306
Authors:LI Xin-hua  YANG Zhao-ping  LIU Xu-Ling
Affiliation:1. Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Urumqi 830011, Xinjiang , China; 2. Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100039
Abstract:As a kind of special tourism resources containing abundant historic and cultural values,ancient village is getting more and more attention,accordingly,ancient village tourism is increasingly becoming the travelers' favorite and the focus of tourism research.In addition,central government has constituted many criterions for top village of history and culture not only to protect and inherit and carry forward the historic and cultural relics and national tradition but also to develop tourism.The paper takes National top village of history and culture viz.Maza village of Tuyuk county in Turpan as an example to discuss the protection and development of ancient village tourism on the basis of concerned concepts and the review of ancient village tourism's development actuality.Based on the evaluation of Maza village's tourism resources and the tourism orientation,it puts forward the "double villages mode" as the protective measure and the experiential tourism development mode in order to reach the bi-win mode of ancient village tourism development and wants to provide some references for West China's ancient village tourism.
Keywords:ancient village tourism  top village of history and culture  Maza village  protection and development  experiential tourism
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