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引用本文:李向心,孙文心. 二维非结构三角网格节点的动力配置法[J]. 中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版), 2008, 38(5)
作者姓名:李向心  孙文心
摘    要:用Delaunay三角化法构造网格,需要事先配置好节点.文中给出1种新的节点配置方法,即动力配置法.其主要思路是设网格尺度函数已配置,根据尺度函数计算出所需的单元数和节点数.把这些节点随机配置在计算域内,节点之间存在斥力,力的大小与当地的尺度函数正相关.节点在力的作用下运动,达到平衡时节点从局部看是均匀的,从整体上依尺度函数分布.最后用Delaunay三角化法构造网格并适当修改.试验结果表明,该方法形成的网格从单元形状和尺度,对边界的拟合3个方面都能达到较高的质量.

关 键 词:Delaunay三角化  非结构网格  三角网格

A Dynamic Configuration Method for 2D Unstructured Triangle Grid Nodes
LI Xiang-Xin,SUN Wen-Xin. A Dynamic Configuration Method for 2D Unstructured Triangle Grid Nodes[J]. Periodical of Ocean University of China, 2008, 38(5)
Authors:LI Xiang-Xin  SUN Wen-Xin
Affiliation:LI Xiang-Xin,SUN Wen-Xin(College of Environmental Science , Englineering,Ocean University of China,Qingdao 266100,China)
Abstract:It is necessary to configure nodes in advance to structure unstructured triangular grids by using Delaunay triangulation.This paper presents a new method to configure nodes,namely a dynamic configuration method.Its main idea is firstly suppose that the scale function for the grid has been given,then the numbers of needed cells and nodes are calculated,and the nodes are configured in the simulation domain randomly.Repulsive forces that are positively correlated with the scale function exist between nodes,dri...
Keywords:delaunay triangulation  unstructured grid  triangle grid  
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