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Marine Layer Stratus Study
Authors:Leonard A. Wells
Affiliation:(1) Vandenberg Air Force Base, 30th Weather Squadron, California
The intent of this study is to develop a better understanding of the behavior of late spring through early fall marine layer stratus and fog at Vandenberg Air Force Base, which accounts for a majority of aviation forecasting difficulties. The main objective was to use Leipper (1995) study as a starting point to evaluate synoptic and mesoscale processes involved, and identify specific meteorological parameters that affected the behavior of marine layer stratus and fog. After identifying those parameters, the study evaluates how well the various weather models forecast them. The main conclusion of this study is that weak upper-air dynamic features work with boundary layer motions to influence marine layer behavior. It highlights the importance of correctly forecasting the surface temperature by showing how it ties directly to the wind field. That wind field, modified by the local terrain, establishes the low-level convergence and divergence pattern and the resulting marine layer cloud thicknesses and visibilities.
Keywords:Marine layer  sky cover  temperature  precipitation  visibility  winds
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