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引用本文:田莉,梁国付,申怀飞,丁圣彦. 豫西地区近二十年景观格局优化分析[J]. 地理科学进展, 2008, 27(5): 64-70
作者姓名:田莉  梁国付  申怀飞  丁圣彦
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目( 40671175, 30570301) .
摘    要:区域尺度上, 土地利用的时空变化对景观结构和功能的稳定性及其异质性有着显著影响。本文在RS 技术 和GIS 技术支持下, 对豫西地区1987 年、1995 年、2000 年三期影像进行判读解译, 结合土地利用现状数据和地面 GPS 采集数据, 通过选取相关景观指数, 从斑块水平和景观水平两个层次,分析研究区景观格局及其动态变化。根据 景观格局连通度与景观功能通达性之间的关系, 从功能流的角度入手, 综合分析影响景观流的干扰因子: 距离、摩 擦力、障碍和坡度等, 基于最小累积耗费算法, 找出不同时空、不同人类干扰强度下景观流的通达性。结果表明,研究 区内近20 年来景观格局变化中, 生态景观斑块区域分布极不平衡, 东部人为干扰严重, 自然景观消失殆尽, 农业景 观和建设用地占有较高比重, 在整个区域中阻碍景观功能流的通达性。在此基础上, 综合自然因素(如坡度等)和人 为干扰因素(如景观破碎化程度等)提出优化方法, 利用可视化效果找出景观格局需要优化的重点地段, 在维持生态 稳定和社会经济发展的前提下, 提出景观的合理布局优化方案, 以提高流域内生物多样性和生态系统服务功能。

关 键 词:景观格局变化  最小耗费距离模型  功能流  豫两地区

Optimum Study on Landscape Pattern Change in the Western Region of Henan Province in Recent Nearly 20 Years
TIAN Li,LIANG Guofu,SHEN Huaifei,DING Shengyan. Optimum Study on Landscape Pattern Change in the Western Region of Henan Province in Recent Nearly 20 Years[J]. Progress in Geography, 2008, 27(5): 64-70
Authors:TIAN Li  LIANG Guofu  SHEN Huaifei  DING Shengyan
Affiliation:College of Environment &|Planning, Henan University, Kaifeng 475001, China
Abstract:At the regional scale,the characteristics of the spatial and temporal changes of the land-use exert significant impact on the stability and structural difference.In the study area,the technologies of remote sensing(RS) and geographical information system(GIS) were applied,meanwhile three LANDSAT TM images of 1987,1995 and 2000 were interpreted.The com-bination of land-use GPS data and ground-based data was taken as the main data source.We analyzed the change of time and space landscape pattern in the study area with typical landscape index including the level of landscape and type of landscape level.The dynamic change of landscape patterns was dealt with according to landscape pattern connectivity and the degree of relationship of landscape feature.Through the perspective of function-start and then based on minimum cumulative cost algorithm,relevant factors in different time and space were found out,meanwhile human interference was intensified.Based on the landscape pattern on the timeline changes,further analysis of pattern changes was carried out and the driving force was generated by these changes in the ecological effects.Integrating natural factors(such as the slope,friction,distance etc.) with man-made interference factors(such as the type of landscape,the degree of fragmentation of the landscape,etc.),it is possible to optimize the methods used to identify visual effects needed to optimize the landscape pattern of key areas,in order to maintain ecological stability and socioeconomic development,to improve the rational distribution of the structure of space landscape,and to improve the watershed biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Keywords:landscape pattern change  driver  functional flow  western region of Henan Province  Yellow River Basin
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